Lights, Camera, No Action in Detroit
Detroit spent 33 MILLION dollars on a state of the art television recording studio so that kids can be taught the ropes about broadcasting. Not ONE DAY was the studio opened [Read More]
Cops Not Charged When Woman Coming At Them With a Knife Was Fatally Shot
MLIVE — “You can pretend that she deserved to die or that her life doesn’t matter, so long as you’re a cop or a racist ally of this system of oppression,” [Read More]
What is Going On in Texas With Muslims???
TopRightNews Individuals attending a Fort Worth rodeo over the weekend were left outraged by the individual organizers chose to deliver the opening prayer: Imam Mouthed Bakhach. According to the Star-Telegram, this [Read More]
Scott Walker Out in Front of GOP Pack in Iowa
No, Jeb Bush is not a foregone conclusion.
Time To Start Jailing Global Warming Proponents
Breitbart- Suppose say, that for the last 100 years my family have been maintaining a weather station at the bottom of our garden, diligently recording the temperatures day by day, [Read More]
American Glob Calls Out iOTWreport Readership
In a good way. SEE HERE
Buzzfeed “Investigates” the Guilt of Clinton in the Epstein Pedo Case
Buzzfeed digs with all the zeal of Epward and Woodstein. Which is to say, not that vigorously. Breitbart has the story. ht/ Just the tip
Chris Christie’s New Presidential PAC has Unfortunate Acronym
Italy stands up against islamification
New laws will make it damn near impossible to build new mosques and it will also monitor the ones that exist. “The presence of Muslims in Lombardy is not indispensable,” [Read More]
Ironic That Every Harper Collins Amazon Reviewer Has Given Them ONE STAR
Was it a single blue star, by chance? Harper Collins omits Israel from a map in a textbook. ht/ Shazzam
How is the left not embarrassed?
It’s one thing to read a quote, it’s an entirely different one to hear it. Early last year, representative Alvin Holmes, of Alabama, said that he doesn’t care if someone [Read More]
Major 11th Hour Victory for Israel at the UN
ACLJ— The United Nations has rejected a resolution that could have crippled Israel, imposing on it indefensible borders and forcing hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens from their homes. more
What did she just say?
Courtesy of Michelle’s Mirror.