First there were Obamaphones. Then came the grand boondoggle of them all, Obamacare. Now the President of the United States has announced his intention to give solar panels to poor people.
First there were Obamaphones. Then came the grand boondoggle of them all, Obamacare. Now the President of the United States has announced his intention to give solar panels to poor people.
Yahoo– Heroin overdose deaths in the United States nearly quadrupled between 2002 and 2013, fueled by lower costs as well as increased abuse of prescription opiate painkillers,U.S. health officials said [Read More]
TheDailyStar- VIENNA: A top-level meeting at the Iran nuclear talks this week was a stormy affair, Iranian media reported Wednesday, with the country’s foreign minister warning: “Never threaten an Iranian.” [Read More]
USAToday- PALM SPRINGS, Calif. —There was a sign in front of the “Rainmaker” fountain in this resort town on Monday afternoon: “This Fountain is Dry for the Drought. Saving [Read More]
BigGovernment- Days after Mexican illegal alien Francisco Sanchez confessed to murdering Kathryn Steinle in San Francisco, the Center for Immigration studies published a highly-detailed map revealing the counties, cities, and [Read More]
“He was my only child” Three parents of children killed by illegal immigrants expressed their frustration at a federal government that they feel let them down, while two of them argued [Read More]
Big Government- The U.S. government has spent more than $1 billion in American taxpayer funds on programs to develop the rule of law in Afghanistan, including efforts to improve a [Read More]
Hundreds of thousands of convicted criminal immigrants remain at large in the U.S. and a number have gone on to commit additional crimes. As if anyone should act shocked, or [Read More]
ZeroHedge- Trying to determine Barack Obama’s most corrupt, crony appointee presents a virtually impossible task. Every single person he’s appointed to a position of power over the course of his unfathomably shady, [Read More]
Truth Revolt- Last week, 32-year-old Kate Steinle was murdered at Pier 14 in San Francisco, shot to death by Juan Francisco Lopez Sanchez, a 45-year old multiple deportee, according to his [Read More]
My son was marked down 5 percent on a high school health test because he chose this "incorrect" definition of family. pic.twitter.com/TnisIK51Mm — Will Saletan (@saletan) July 8, 2015 According [Read More]
Breitbart- On July 8, Maine Governor Paul LaPage (R) signed Legislative Document 652 into law, thereby abolishing the requirement for a concealed carry permit in the state of Maine. This means [Read More]
USA Today: CINCINNATI — Cincinnati Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell has reconsidered and is asking Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters to pursue hate crime charges in the Government Square attack that [Read More]
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