Some students just didn’t want to be called “African-American.”
EAG news- Teacher calls Jamaican students ‘n*gger’ after they object to ‘African-American’
EAG news- Teacher calls Jamaican students ‘n*gger’ after they object to ‘African-American’
Diogene’s Middle Finger – Obamabots in the media are already lamenting the impending end of the Obama Administration. Author Michael Lewis on a recent appearance on the Charlie Rose show [Read More]
Bizpac Review— NBC discovers Homeland Security spent $30,000 of your money on Starbucks – and that’s not all! In an astounding example of government waste, a Washington, D.C., TV station uncovered [Read More]
Hillary hired secret police to ratf*ck Bill Clinton’s paramours.
Washington Free Beacon – Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications, Ben Rhodes has been shooting his mouth off lately about the prospect of inking a far reach diplomatic agreement with Iran [Read More]
Did you know that Illinois is leading the nation in job creation??? It must be true. That gorgeous, elegant, nice classy ladyboy in the white house told us so, and why [Read More]
Truth Revolt – In an address to the “Washington Ideas Forum” held by the Aspen Institute, Chris Matthews predicted “Republicans might pick up as many as 10 Senate seats.” He [Read More]
Pamela Geller— We should question our humanity and our elected officials when these daily monstrous war crimes in the cause of Islam are met with a yawn and a shrug [Read More]
Daily Mail UK- Concert pianist demands that ‘defamatory’ Washington Post review of a performance from 2010 be stripped from search results under European Union’s ‘right to be forgotten’ law.
Doug Ross- How ****ing Stupid Does a Person Have to Be to Vote for Any Democrat in 2014? – The video was published by the campaign titled “Raqqa slaughters silently”, a concerned advocacy group which reveals news coming out of the Syrian province of Raqqa today Saturday. [Read More]
The Last Refuge- Fallujah Deja-Vu: Obama Prepares To Put Boots Back On The Ground In Iraq’s Anbar Province.
The Guardian- “We have the means to limit climate change,” said Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). “The solutions are many and allow for continued [Read More]
C Steven Tucker …for the first time in 20 years I can not even quote a replacement product because Barack Obama has issued a GAG ORDER to the health insurance industry instructing them not to ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.