IOTW Report – Page 7468

All Jokes aside…

Thursday, 3 July 2014, 2:00 BFH 0

By Jethro …who would take the risk and bite into this thing? Burger King is trying to let its gay customers have it their way with a new sandwich called [Read More]

What Adam Richman Learned

Thursday, 3 July 2014, 1:15 BFH 0

The Other McCain Maybe you haven’t heard about this controversy, but it’s a helpful lesson in the unstated rules of 21st-century discourse. Adam Richman is a former actor and self-educated [Read More]

Maybe We Need Dick Cavett

Thursday, 3 July 2014, 0:45 BFH 0

 By (Mr.B) “If anything, the fact that we’re a country that elected a man to the presidency why, by right, should have been in striped pajamas if Gerald Ford hadn’t [Read More]

“…Strangers in Our Own Land?”

Thursday, 3 July 2014, 0:22 BFH 0

by — MaryfromMarin “As we celebrate the 238th anniversary of our Independence, many Americans are wondering if we are indeed an independent nation with sovereign borders. Have we become strangers in [Read More]

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