Paging Don Cheadle – Pick Up The “I Am A Clueless A-hole” Phone – IOTW Report

Paging Don Cheadle – Pick Up The “I Am A Clueless A-hole” Phone

2 days ago on The Grio- While promoting his new Super Bowl commercial that premiered last Sunday, Don Cheadle told Fox News that cancel culture is a “fabrication” and “not really real.”



“Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future,” a Lucasfilm spokesperson said in a statement. “Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable.”

Uhhhhhhh, she didn’t do anything of the sort.

Carano shared several offensive posts on her Instagram stories Tuesday night, including one that likened contemporary political differences to the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany.

“Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by children,” Carano wrote Instagram. “Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views.” 

The hashtag #FireGinaCarano began circulating on Twitter Wednesday in response to her posts. Many users tagged Lucasfilm and corporate parent Disney in their posts.

16 Comments on Paging Don Cheadle – Pick Up The “I Am A Clueless A-hole” Phone

  1. I used to like to watch Don Cheadle say lines written for him and move on the set as told to by the director. He would follow the directions well and was “entertaining”. Once I found out what an asshole he is, I do not care to watch him being guided around any movie set saying lines. I guess you could say I “cancelled” Don Chealdle in my life, thus proving him wrong.

    Also: If Gina Carano got canceled by Disney and her talent agency for posting WWII history, they will also have to cancel Pedro Pascal, the Mandalorian actor, for this tweet:
    Double standards anyone?

  2. “Not really real”. See if they say this all time, they think we will believe it. That is because they are a stupid lot. I have not watched a movie for years. Most of them suck, anyway. Bydon and Cameltoe want to put Florida on a no visit no leaving Florida because of “Covid”. Of course we know why, they want to cancel Florida because it is a Red State. Yet they want to let the Southern Border open to masses of illegals without “Covid” tests. See where this is going? We must do something about this quickly.

  3. He’s that negro acting guy, right?
    One that Jackie Chan employed?
    Had a chinese restaurant on Crenshaw.

    Another great political philosopher who hides his intellect so that no one suspects he has one. Well, Don, you see it all around you. Can you not believe your own eyes, or have you been told to pretend otherwise?
    One of Lenin’s useful idiots.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. She said absolutely nothing wrong.

    The BLM mob was screaming in the faces of simple restaurant diners. It could easily have gotten out of hand and people beaten just due to the nature of mobs.

    Lucas should know better but he does not own the piece of shit anymore.
    (sold to the fuckin mouse corp. who hated his ancestors)

  5. Disney fucking ruins everything for me- I finally watch a Nu Star War that I like and they get rid of the only female lead because she said political hate leads to violence??? Ffs.

    I have had it with current tv shows, I keep getting frustrated and sad.


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