Paint It Black – IOTW Report

Paint It Black

To paraphrase The Rolling Stones, “I want to build a wall and I want it painted black.”

Newsweek believes they have found a new line of attack against the southern border wall. Painting it means less of the wall be built. Here

But there’s a perfectly good reason to paint it black

Texas Tribune

While Trump has insisted that the barriers be painted, the cost of painting them will reduce the length of the fence the government will be able to build. According to the internal analysis, painting or coating 175 miles of barriers “will add between $70 million and $133 million in cost,” trimming the amount of fencing the Army Corps will be able to install by four to seven miles.

In June, teams of U.S. soldiers painted a one-mile section of fence in Calexico, California, at a cost of $1 million. The coating, known as “matte black” or “flat black,” absorbs heat, making the fence hot to the touch, more slippery and therefore tougher to climb, according to border agents. More

I mean, what good is a wall if it doesn’t work as intended ? – Dr. Tar

17 Comments on Paint It Black

  1. Semi-gloss is the way to go, even more reflective in a blinding way for the wall and I believe more slippery that flat.

    Now that said? “Take the Land” what the fuck is that about?? Our POTUS said that?? I don’t like that type of ‘joking’ around.

    BTW Jagger, another one who can eff off.

  2. Electrify the Border Wall. Hundreds of volts will discourage climbers amd “campers”. Illegals plan to cover the lower part of the wall with graffiti anyway. Don’t let them get the chance.

  3. Allow US citizens that have the lawful right to carry to be deputized for the purpose of enforcing the Castle Doctrine on our border. It wouldn’t take but a couple days and there would be no more wall climbers. How many volunteer, part time deputy’s do you think we would get?


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