“Paint The Wall Black,” A Documentary About Refusing To Comply To BLM – IOTW Report

“Paint The Wall Black,” A Documentary About Refusing To Comply To BLM

Chicago Tribune June 8, 2020

“People want us to conform to their beliefs, and if you don’t, they’re willing to exterminate you,” owner [of Nini’s Deli in Chicago] Juan Riesco said Monday. “All because they don’t believe in our religion and what we stand for. That’s a scary place for our country to be.” More

OANN is airing a documentary letting Juan Riesco, tell his story in his own words. Watch

12 Comments on “Paint The Wall Black,” A Documentary About Refusing To Comply To BLM

  1. I’m only 25 minutes into the hour video, but it is a very captivating and motivational documentary. I don’t have time to finish right now, but I intend to later tonight.

  2. RE: AbigailAdams May 30, 2021 at 5:49 pm

    Took me seven years to find the state and town I was looking for…by accident. And, it is not listed on their Web site. But, it has been (and, is) something I was always searching for. Love it. Love the people (with all their faults) and am satisfied I will be buried here, when the time comes. They always remind me of Americans and America, always.

    May God watch over you in your search. And I hope you will find it.


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