Pakistan Tells Afghans to Leave – IOTW Report

Pakistan Tells Afghans to Leave


Pakistan’s government announced a major crackdown Tuesday on migrants in the country illegally, saying it would expel them starting next month and raising alarm among foreigners without documentation who include an estimated 1.7 million Afghans.

The country’s caretaker Interior Minister Sarfraz Bugti said the crackdown was not aimed at Afghans and would apply to all nationalities, though the vast majority of migrants in the country are Afghans. More

7 Comments on Pakistan Tells Afghans to Leave

  1. I hope they at least are providing welfare and hotel rooms for all of them, and not keeping them in cages like that meanie Trump did (but not Biden – I swear!!!).
    Are there any ‘sanctuary cities’ in Pakiland???

  2. Sounds like a reasonable decision by a Sovereign Country with distinct borders.

    The United States should strongly consider this appropriate action immediately. Not geared toward Mexican Illegal Immigrants but all Nationalities who are in the US illegally (including foreign students).
    This enforcement of our present laws would save $100s of Billions of tax dollars for a Nation in Crippling DEBT of over $33 TRILLION dollars.

  3. Wait a minute here…..haven’t we been told for decades that there is no way to expel all of the illegals from a country?

    Seems like another country has figured it out, and the United States better figure it out quick too.


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