Pakistan Wants Law That Jails Parents Who Do Not Vaccinate Their Children – IOTW Report

Pakistan Wants Law That Jails Parents Who Do Not Vaccinate Their Children



Authorities in one Pakistan province are turning to a contentious new tactic in the decades-long initiative to wipe out polio: prison. Last month, the government in Sindh introduced a bill, now in the final stages of becoming law, that would imprison parents for up to one month if they fail to get their children immunized against polio or eight other common diseases, the AP reports. Experts at the World Health Organization and elsewhere worry the unusual strategy could further undermine trust in the polio vaccines, particularly in a country where many believe false conspiracies about them and where dozens of vaccinators have been shot and killed.

Adding to the problems faced by experts trying to convince people of the vaccines’ safety: The oral vaccines themselves now cause most polio cases worldwide. WHO’s polio director in the Eastern Mediterranean warned the new law could backfire. “Coercion is counterproductive,” said Dr. Hamid Jafari. He said health workers have typically succeeded in raising immunization rates in vaccine-hesitant areas by figuring out the reasons for people’s refusal and addressing those concerns, often by bringing in a trusted political or religious leader to talk with people. “My own sense is that Pakistan wants to have this legislation in their back pocket in case they need it,” Jafari said. “I would be surprised if there’s a willingness to actually enforce these coercive measures.”


9 Comments on Pakistan Wants Law That Jails Parents Who Do Not Vaccinate Their Children

  1. Clean up the sanitation issues and polio will vanish on its own. Ask all the polio victims caused by Gates’ murderous polio vaccine how well vaccination works to eliminate polio. LOL

  2. WHO’s polio director in the Eastern Mediterranean warned the new law could backfire.

    Yes. Literally.

    If I were a parent being threatened by such a law, I’d think seriously about killing any govt enforcer who gave me and mine a second glance.

  3. Interesting to read the history of development of the polio vaccine, one that now has generally universal acceptance:
    I know, Wikipedia, but it serves the purpose. Of note: In 1955, Cutter Pharma’s vaccine had caused 260 cases of polio, killing 11. Good thing they are liable, right? What, Congress handed them immunity??? From a Newsweek (YES, I KNOW) fact check: “According to 42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22, “No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.
    In other words, companies that manufacture vaccines are not liable if someone has an allergic reaction or injury after being vaccinated.”
    So that didn’t impact Cutter because it was passed in the 80s, but it is in effect now.

    My point being, it isn’t necessarily difficult to convince people that something as accepted as the polio vaccine should be mandated. But that will 100% of the time lead to, say, covid not-a-vaccine being mandated. And the manufacturers and their lobbyists laugh all the way to the bank.

  4. Strip Big Pharma of their “legal” immunities and all the problems vanish.

    They (Big Pharma) would be more careful and less likely to facilitate Gates, et al, nefarious schemes.

    Field day for Shylocks, Shysters, and other assorted Ambulance Chasing Maggots.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Sounds like they smartin’ up ivermectin has it’s limitations, the sayin’ is, A man has to know his limitations”. This, India is where all the claims about ivermectin came from, why? Because they could not afford the Covid-19 shots.

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