Palestinian Harvard Freshman Denied Entry to US After Immigration Sees His Social Media – IOTW Report

Palestinian Harvard Freshman Denied Entry to US After Immigration Sees His Social Media

newser– On Friday, Palestinian teenager Ismail Ajjawi arrived in Boston on his way to start his freshman year at Harvard. Eight hours later, he was kicked out of the country. The 17-year-old, who lives in Lebanon, says his visa was canceled and he was deported after an immigration officer disapproved of some of his friends’ comments on social media. Ajjawi, who received a scholarship from a nonprofit group, tells the Harvard Crimson that during more than five hours of questioning, he was repeatedly asked about his religion. He says an officer asked him to unlock his phone and laptop and took them away for hours. He says she returned and started “screaming” at him about people on his friends list “posting political points of view that oppose the US.”


23 Comments on Palestinian Harvard Freshman Denied Entry to US After Immigration Sees His Social Media


    Let’s all cry

    That the poor America hating cxxr
    can’t be allowed to enter the country
    he openly hates.


    America and the American people
    must obviously apologize and
    prostrate themselves before these
    more morally righteous people


    that they promulgate and exact

    female genital mutilation
    summary execution of homosexuals
    summary execution of any insults to islam
    amputation for perceived theft
    amputation for non-compliance with
    so-called Islamic law


  2. What a black eye for America and Harvard — actually being foiled while trying to import a foreign terrorist sympathizer – how are we going to be converted to the religion of peace if we refuse to allow it’s members to immigrate? He had a scholarship!!!!

    Rep. AOC has aked for a full investigation of old people at the INS.

  3. Thurston Howell the Third would be rolling over in his grave if the muzzy had been admitted.

    islam is totally incompatible with Western Civilization. Having said that, this is the only time islam and civilization should appear in the same sentence.

  4. Well he had a choice of two schools the Jordan college of Bomb Making and Harvard College of Bomb Throwing! Now he can go to the Jordan Bomb making College and become a martyr for the weepy eyed Democrats!!

  5. A glimmer of sanity among all the madness !!

    Probably the same ‘non-profit’ group that benefited foreign student Baracky Zero his entry to Columbia and Harvard. And why is Zero’s records still sealed, now that he is no longer the President?

  6. And another question: with the American population so burgeoning, while traditional tier one colleges remain the same size thus becoming more and more exclusive, why are we allowing them to admit so many foreign students in the first place.

  7. From The Harvard Crimson: “Ajjawi wrote that he has also contacted AMIDEAST, the non-profit organization that awarded him a scholarship to study in the U.S., which is now providing him legal assistance.”


    A non-profit with ties to the US Department of State.
    Many alumni (37) were/are heads of state.

  8. I’m not sure I’d let any Palestinians in to any western country. The vast majority of the Palestinians alive today have been educated to hate Jews, Israel and the America (western culture in general) and as a result almost any of them are a threat to our collective existence. Let the arabs offer them full citizenship in their countries where the “refugee” camps are and their education system changed (and outside audited) to reflect democratic values and the elimination of hate of the aforementioned Jews, Israel, US and the west and in two generations or so have another look. Having said that I suspect that most arab countries as well as Iran have the same problem.


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