Palmist – IOTW Report


20 Comments on Palmist

  1. I remember one time this kid in my First Grade Catechism class talked about the “23rd Palm” and we all laughed at him, until Sister Marie Battleax said

    “Dont laugh at Joseph, children for sixty years from now he will garner 80 million votes to become the 46th President of the United States.”

  2. I’m betting he just read what was on the teleprompter in front of him without understanding what he was reading. His brain saw a “p” and spoke it out loud. He didn’t mispronounce it, per se, he just didn’t know what he was doing.

  3. Aw, c’mon man! What a load of malarkey! Lots of people say things wrong.

    My wife used to say “Optober” for October. (She says she never said this, and she is never wrong about such things. So I stand corrected.)

    And a friend says “liceness” for license.

    And then there is “aks” for ask.

    In Joe’s case, however, he might actually mean Palm Reader.

  4. That’s the kind of thing that exposes a liar and a fraud.

    Reminds me of a drunk chick I overheard at a bar back when I was 18.

    She was moaning about not having custody of her kids.


    No. No you’re not, and I only know what I’ve seen in the last two minutes.

    Everyone not of faith thinks Joe is a good Catholic. The rest of us know better.

    Same goes for Pelosi and any other Dem “Catholic” abortion supporter. They just use it like a mask to fool others for undeserved respect.


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