Pamela Geller on Sean Hannity radio discussing the Muslim invasion of US and Europe – IOTW Report

Pamela Geller on Sean Hannity radio discussing the Muslim invasion of US and Europe

PamelaGeller: I appeared on Sean Hannity’s radio show yesterday. Listen as we discuss about the Muslim migrant invasion, Obama’s plans to import hundreds of thousands of Muslims and the devastating effects of Islamic mores on free societies in the West. Not only do they bring jihad, but they bring disease — tuberculosis, measles and a flesh-eating disease.

The flesh-eating bacteria spreading is just another indication of the risks involved in bringing in the migrants. There was already an outbreak of measles in Memphis that began at a mosque, among Muslim migrants. It is extremely unwise to import large numbers of people from countries with inadequate health care systems, without properly examining them first. But Obama is bringing them in so fast, such examination is impossible.

The real refugees in the Middle East are Christians. The Obama administration’s preference for Muslims indicates that he isn’t really acting on humanitarian grounds, but out of his plan to increase the Muslim population and make America just like the rest of the world, with just as much crime, unrest, terrorism, etc.

Listen to my interview

3 Comments on Pamela Geller on Sean Hannity radio discussing the Muslim invasion of US and Europe

  1. This is what a true social justice warrior is. She speaks a truth that is neither popular nor pleasant, to those who would destroy,that which we hold dear.

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