Pamela Geller On OANN Discussing The Left’s Not So Strange Bedfellow-Sharia Law – IOTW Report

Pamela Geller On OANN Discussing The Left’s Not So Strange Bedfellow-Sharia Law

No one connects the dots better than Pamela. It’s clear that the world would be much better off without the left, or Sharia law.

12 Comments on Pamela Geller On OANN Discussing The Left’s Not So Strange Bedfellow-Sharia Law

  1. Mr. BFH, thanks for posting this. You are exactly right, the words and logic that Pamela uses to connect the dots are pellucid. Thanks to Kara Mckinney for teeing up this chance for us to see Pamela explain things while agreeing with her message without interruption.

  2. “The suspect has been in the US for two years. Originally arriving on a student visa, but was able to remain here illegally after failing to attend any kind of college.

    This follows an alleged attack by the same suspect against his former college roommate, who is also Jewish…”


  3. ^^^^Pamela, we owe you a great deal for your fearless on going expose of the muslim threat to America. It’s hard to believe after 911 we have muslims in Congress who want to enslave us all. It’s shocking that people can’t see what’s happening. Yes we love you.


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