Panama Offers Embattled Venezuela President Maduro Temporary Asylum amid Election Crisis – IOTW Report

Panama Offers Embattled Venezuela President Maduro Temporary Asylum amid Election Crisis

Arizona Sun Times

The Panamanian president on Friday offered Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro political asylum to ensure the peaceful transition of power in Venezuela.

President José Raúl Mulino told CNN he sent the offer through Brazilian President Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, the Miami Herald reported.

“If that is the contribution, the sacrifice that Panama has to make, offering our land so that this man and his family can leave Venezuela, Panama would do it,” Mulino said of the asylum offer. more

13 Comments on Panama Offers Embattled Venezuela President Maduro Temporary Asylum amid Election Crisis

  1. As awful as Joek, KAM-a-la, and the rest are, if someone, say UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer, were to offer them sanctuary and it meant handing the gov’t over to Trump, well I am more interested in fixing the problem than going after those who created it. If this means the guy who actually won the election in Venezuela takes power then I don’t care if Maduro finishes his life in luxury.
    Of course it would say something about the host country…

  2. With all the regime changing we’re doing worldwide,
    it’s a wonder that Shitpants can get any R & R on that Delaware beach next to his painted whore !!!

  3. Maduro is the titular leader of the group that has run Venezuela for over 20 years. If he leaves, that group will not willingly give up power. A lot of the popular dissent is from die hard chavistas who blame Maduro for everything bad in their lives. (A risk of being the leader.) Most of the “opposition” politicians are chavistas and hardcore leftists who got on Maduro’s bad side, while he consolidated power.

    Don’t expect anything more than window dressing to appease the global elite, and only for awhile, from any supposed regime change…assuming Maduro leaves, and that seems unlikely at this point, though I am sure that there are coup plots coming from many sides by now. Diosdado Cabello may just decide to throw aside the facade and assume direct power…but I think he prefers to control the strings of the puppet.

  4. what ever happens in Venezuela will have profound effect on the US in the weeks and months ahead. Many factions including our own deep state are angling to take over Vza for its vast resources. A free market alliance between Trump, Miele and Gonzalez could change the face of the globe. Pray for the people of Venezuela to hold out.


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