Pandemic of Young Athletes Dying Continues – IOTW Report

Pandemic of Young Athletes Dying Continues

This is just today.

—–Former NBA player Caleb Swanigan died Monday night at a Fort Wayne, Indiana, hospital at age 25. 

He died of natural causes, but the cause has not been announced.

Baltimore Ravens’ Jaylon Ferguson Dead at 26

—-Another NFLer is gone too early. Baltimore Ravens linebacker Jaylon Ferguson has died at the age of 26, the team announced Wednesday.

Police say he died in Baltimore, though no cause of death was given.

This could be the reason here—>

Fellow Ravens linebacker Patrick Queen tweeted that the pair “spent almost everyday in the sauna together tryna see who gone last longer. Said it was our turn this year man. Ima miss you bro.”

If you have jab affects, weakened heart, the sauna is not a good place.

17 Comments on Pandemic of Young Athletes Dying Continues

  1. And last night on my local news I was treated to two ladies that forced their children, who were younger than 2, to get the jab.

    I truly hope there is a special place in hell for these people.

  2. I won’t go into the whole story, it’s to lengthy. But since taking the “Vax” my brother has been diagnosed with myocarditis and now has a 8cm tumor on his right kidney. The kidney will be removed within the next 3 weeks.

  3. Swanigan was at-risk before he ever entered college. He got lots of hand holding at Purdue which did not happen in the pros. Did the jab contribute? Possibly, but he was born under a dark star so his death comes as no surprise.

  4. Mean while in the peoples’ republic of New Jersey:

    Many New Jersey colleges and universities put a COVID-19 vaccine requirement in place for students and employees during the pandemic.

    Now one lawmaker — who’s also a doctor — is joining a push to make the coronavirus vaccine a legal requirement for all university and college students and employees to attend in-person classes and events.

    Under the measure introduced in the Assembly Monday (A4334), higher education institutions would be barred from enrolling students to attend in-person classes or employing people for non-remote work if they have not received the COVID-19 vaccine, beginning in the 2022-2023 academic year.

    The legislation, sponsored by Assemblyman Herb Conaway (D-Burlington), would add the coronavirus vaccine to the list of inoculations students must receive to attend classes in person. The mandate wouldn’t apply to people who attend classes or work remotely.

    People could still seek exemptions for the vaccine. Students and other staff would need to provide a written statement either issued by a licensed physician showing valid medical reasons, or explain how the vaccine violates that person’s “bona fide religious tenets or practices.”

    A “general philosophical or moral objection to the vaccine” would not be sufficient, according to the bill.

    Several schools already have policies requiring proof of full vaccination to attend classes in person, including The College of New Jersey, Kean University, and Ramapo University. Some even require boosters, like Rutgers, Princeton, and Stockton universities.

    No other state legislature has required the COVID-19 vaccine for students in higher education, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

    The bill has been referred to the Assembly Health Committee, which is not scheduled to meet before the Legislature’s summer recess. An identical Senate bill hasn’t yet received a vote.

  5. I think the Ravens LB was an overdose. There is stuff coming out about that. Also apparently he wasn’t vax’d.
    I’m not sure about Caleb at the Trailblazers.
    The vax was my first thought when reading these.

  6. I keep tabs on 5 married couples that I know.
    So far 1 has stage 3 bile duct cancer. Surgery
    is a no go. He has about 6-9 monthes.Took 2 jabs.

  7. Go ahead, tell me it was a cardiac arrhythmia of unknown etiology. Tell me it was an idiopathic arrest. Throw all your fancy, evasive words in there.

    You’re still saying that you are unable to say what killed young men.

    Or you are unwilling to.

  8. I’m starting to think “they” are just killing off the human being. Jab or no jab, it’s happened at record amounts. Every week I hear about someone dying suddenly. I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist but this is starting to get scary and ridiculous!! I personally know!

  9. The “vax” was definitely designed to kill people. Vascular problems, cancers, all skyrocketing.

    There’s no way it was an accident. Look at all the mofos who lied about taking it.


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