Pandora Papers Paint an Ugly Picture of Ukraine’s Zelensky – IOTW Report

Pandora Papers Paint an Ugly Picture of Ukraine’s Zelensky

This story’s been around since last fall. The revelations about the shady dealings of the well-connected revealed by the release of the “Pandora Papers” by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalist includes materials on Ukraine’s current president, Volodymyr Zelensky. Here

It seems Zelensky had his beak dipped deep into Ukrainian corruption before he was elected president.

According to the data, in particular, the offshore companies of Zelensky and his team have allegedly received $40 million from offshore companies associated with Kolomoisky since 2012, when the Kvartal 95 studio started cooperating with the businessman’s 1 + 1 television channel. “Along with Zelensky, Head of the State Security Service of Ukraine Ivan Bakanov, as well as First Assistant to the president Serhiy Shefir, appear in the offshore papers,” the investigators said.

It is indicated that before being elected president in 2019, Zelensky transferred his share in the offshore company to Shefir.

Planet Today


21 Comments on Pandora Papers Paint an Ugly Picture of Ukraine’s Zelensky

  1. Hubby knows someone whose parents are from Ukraine and Russia.
    She says the news from both sides is ALL FAKE NEWS.
    There been a civil war in Ukraine for years that includes innocent people getting killed.
    Both sides are taking advantage to make noise

  2. I wonder what the International Consortium of Investigative Journalist have to say about Hillary, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, McCONnell and Harris?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  3. We need to stay out. Don’t fall for our fake news, they trying to cover all the crap up coming out on Covid. One is as corrupt as the other and the Big Guy is knee deep in it as well!

  4. There is a Video on Y-Tube by a guy named GONZALO LIRA titled “Zelenski, Hunter Biden – and Their Sugar Daddy, Komolmoisky”

    It should be watched.
    (Link it if you wish)

    The argument is that Zelenski became a Bilionaire from Kolomoisky who is Burisma and Paid Hunter.
    According to LIRA, the US war drum is beating in order to prevent extremely damaging ties To Biden etc. Let’s face it, the Bio-labs EXIST etc.

    He has other videos, that if Half True, are quite disgusting. (not to the types on IOTW)

    Fuck em all!

  5. Doesn’t change the fact that Putin invaded a sovereign country and the Ukrainuan people need support. Also I think he kinda redeemed himself by his actions during the invasion. The Ukrainian people need to deal with this once this disaster is over.

  6. I found this comment on another site. I think it is worth considering.

    “I am tired of hearing that Ukraine is corrupt. Like ours isn’t? Please point out a US Senator who served three terms and isn’t much wealthier than he was when he came to Washington. (While you’re at it, explain how “Joe from Scranton” accumulated five houses, including a large beachfront home with his salary as a senator and then VP.) “Politicians go to Washington to do good, and they stay to do well.”

    “Ukraine may be a corrupt country, but that is something for Ukrainians to deal with, and especially not for one of the most corrupt countries on the planet to fix.”

    “They fight well, as Ivan is finding out. I wonder just how many POS couch potatoes in this country would be willing to fight if this country was ever invaded. “Red Dawn” was fiction, not a documentary. Today, more young people play “Call of Duty” than answer it.”

    What do you think of this viewpoint?

  7. Ideally, Hunter, Biden, Obama, Clinton etc. all get exposed, the Gangs, Krains, Ruskies & Neo’s all kill each other as much as possible and no Westerners get involved.

    Similarly, Think about the benefit of a ChyNa vs ChyNa smouldering civil war.

    Sell bullets & body bags to both sides.

    C. Montgomery Burns would.

  8. @Anonymous March 15, 2022 at 7:12 pm

    > Doesn’t change the fact that Putin invaded a sovereign country

    “Putin” invaded a country who’s elected government was “regime changed” by foreigners. Sovereignty does not exist when foreign interference, let alone rule, is tolerated.

    > and the Ukrainuan people need support

    The Ukrainian people? Or the “Ukrainians”, of foreign “descent”? Who rule the Ukrainians?

  9. @ Marco

    “I wonder just how many POS couch potatoes in this country would be willing to fight if this country was ever invaded.”

    Southern border, what southern border? This country is being invaded!!

  10. Marco,
    I think if war came to this country from another nation, there would be a massive uprising from within to defend it. There are still a lot of middle age & older men that would defend the USA to death. As far as younger people, I suspect they would join in once they see the older peoples example

    The US needs to stay the fuck out of supporting Ukraine in this war. If we go in now it’ll only be to cover up the tyrants sins.

  11. Add the fact that during 2014, Joe Biden was knee-deep, willing, and supported a coup in the Ukraine, not to mention his deep-seated affair with money laundering and corruption within that nation. And LO! ‘Suddenly’ he’s ohso concerned about this Ukraine ‘invasion’ which was engineered by two of the world’s global predators, including the weak and powerless Joe Biden and globalist/deep state/military lowlifes to bring about (more) mass deceptions in the US. To these sewage swamps, the killing of human life is nothing more than collateral damage in order to meet these predators’ own ends and benefit from any war while preying upon citizenry.


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