Panicky Dad Asks Advice Columnist What To Do Now That His Daughter is a Gun Owner – IOTW Report

Panicky Dad Asks Advice Columnist What To Do Now That His Daughter is a Gun Owner

This is “professional” advice.



Oregon Live

Dear Amy: This week I discovered that my intelligent, hard-working, responsible 24-year-old daughter (who lives with me) is a gun owner! And it’s not a normal gun either — it is a 40 caliber semi-automatic, and she has hollow point bullets to go with it.

Amy, this is the kind of weapon a criminal would possess! She says it is for emergencies. There have only been two home invasions in our neighborhood in the last 11 years.

I’ve given her three choices: She can either give her weapon to me, sell it, or move out in three weeks.

I love my daughter and would be so sad for her to move into a place that she would hardly be able to afford, but now I have to lock my bedroom door at night because I don’t know what she’s going to do.

Now she says that I don’t trust her, and is barely speaking to me. How can I convince her to stop endangering us?

— Dumbfounded Father


Dear Dumbfounded: According to my research, possessing hollow point bullets is illegal in 11 states; is it legal in your state to own this sort of exploding ammunition?

In a report published in 2015, researchers at the University of Chicago found that 31 percent of households reported having a firearm in 2014, down from about 48 percent in 1980.

According to this study, there are more guns, but concentrated in fewer households. Why must your household be one of them?

Where did your daughter get this weapon and ammunition? Has she received any safety training or certification? (Accidental gun death is a substantial risk of owning a gun.) Is she perhaps engaged in another activity outside of your household that exposes her to increased risks and makes her believe she needs to have a weapon?

I have news for you: A locked bedroom door is no match for this weaponry; as I write this, just five days ago a father in South Carolina tragically shot and killed his own 23-year-old daughter through a closed door — when he mistook her for an intruder.

I agree with your ultimatum; I also weep that there is yet another (likely unsafe) gun owner in this country.


Dear Amy,

My daughter is responsible, smart and hard-working and I believe she might shoot me while I’m sleeping!!


Dad with urine stained panties.

Dear dad with urine stained panties,

I agree with you. She is a menace, likely in a drug gang, and you will most likely be shot. Throw her out. Let her live alone. I weep at the thought of YOU being unsafe!

ht/ jd hasty



53 Comments on Panicky Dad Asks Advice Columnist What To Do Now That His Daughter is a Gun Owner

  1. LOL, of course the number of households “reporting” they have a gun has gone down, to tell someone conducting a poll or from government that you own a gun is imbecilic.

  2. “In a report published in 2015, researchers at the University of Chicago found that 31 percent of households reported having a firearm in 2014, down from about 48 percent in 1980.”

    That “31 percent of households reported” is key to understanding the report.

  3. Dear Dumbfounded Dad,
    You might be famous
    Crystal ball on the table
    Showing the future, the past
    She’s just a devil woman
    With evil on her mind
    Beware the devil woman
    She’s gonna get you
    She’s just a devil woman
    With evil on her mind
    Beware the devil woman
    She’s gonna get you from behind

  4. You should start by being more attentive to listening to what she says and addressing her complaints more rapidly; it could turn out to be a matter of life and death, yours!

  5. Heh. Who knew that hollow points were “exploding ammunition”?

    Learn something new every day. Now where’s my wallet? My friends at are only a few clicks away…

  6. Dear Dad, Sounds like you’re gender confused. You might want to start calling yourself Nancy and taking estrogen. Also, take the rest of your Hilary sticker off the Prius, it looks trashy.

  7. Deer Dumfounded Father

    Immediately evict your daughter and erect large neon signs proclaiming your property a gun free zone. It’s the only way to be safe.

  8. I would recommend a full testicular implant and an injection of testosterone for the dad.

    Dear Amy is so ignorant of the facts that she should have been sued for the advice. Crap statistics and no knowledge of firearms.

    The daughter is smarter than both of them.

    I almost wish a home intruder would give their house a try so the idiotic dad can hide behind his daughter while she deals with it.

  9. Dear Dumb:
    We all know what this is about – you want a little familial nooky and are afraid that your daughter may use her gun to ward off your completely natural advances and attacks. We at Oregon Live promote all types of sexual lifestyles – pedophilia, incest, rape (but not rape-rape), inter-beastiality trans-orgies, and whatever else floats your boat – and these normal, everyday fetishes should not be discouraged by the presence of guns. Your daughter is indeed a sick individual.
    I weep for your situation. On the other hand, I weep for just about any situation. That’s what we do at Oregon Live – we weep. And we don’t need any murderous handgun loaded with exploding hollow point bullets to interfere with our weeping or completely normal and sane sexual practices.

  10. Childhood must of been a barrel of fun with this guy, the paper cuts were the worst thing that could of happen in his life.
    Note to babydad: the last mass shooting we had it took the cops 36 minutes to get to the guy and they were in the same building complex as the shooting.
    And what was your plan for a home invasion while they raped your daughter at gunpoint?

  11. Dear Dumbfounded;

    Take her back to the hospital, she has been switched out at birth. She can’t possibly be genetically related to you. These changeling children are not that uncommon in some parts of the country. Don’t look back, it happens to the best of hearts.

  12. @ Janitor, I don’t know…it is Orygone after all! I personally know of such people up here that have that mentality!

    Dear DumbfuckDad: Go buy your OWN Glock 22 .40cal and some hollowpoint rounds, ask your daughter to show you how to use it properly THEN go lock yourself in the bathroom put the barrel in you mouth and pull the trigger! PROBLEM SOLVED

  13. Well, it’s his house so it’s his choice. I hope she leaves. It may be a little tough at first but she’ll learn self-reliance which seems to have already started. A few years away from this jackass and she’ll likely be more prepared for, and dealing with, real life then he is. What is likely going to happen as well is that they will continue to grow apart which is a shame but should not be unexpected. I wonder what his wife (didn’t say whether he had one or not) has to say about all this. As far as Amy’s advice is concerned she’s right but as usual with lefty advice columnists in these types of situations for the wrong reasons. She’s whinging over the daughter having a gun then quotes all kinds of stuff not relevant (hollow points?) to the issue.

  14. Daughter has her concealed carry with a Springfield XDM Compact in SW40. Also does exceptionally well firing a snub J-Frame in 38 Spec. Would be a mistake to test her while she has either one in her possession.

    She shot competitively for a few years so I believe she has the ability to handle herself with either weapon.

    Mostly the J-Frame is my second (backup) carry as I rarely only carry one, so she has to beg to get that one away from me. Sweet little piece: Robar finish and Sambar Stag grips.

  15. Dumbfounded Fathers’ letter reads like a prank letter to me. But who knows the lefties can be down right weird.

    But, just in case the letter was real and sincere. Here’s my advice to DF.

    Always speak to your daughter with a pleasant tone of voice. Always be respectful and speak politely. It might also be a good idea to avoid sudden unexpected quick movements in front of her. Always, always move slowly and predictably. Ya know, just in case your actions might be misunderstood. Give her something extra nice on her birthday every year.

  16. Option one, she can give the gun to me. Uh why? Why is he more capable of handling and retaining the weapon. He doesn’t say he’d dispose of it. Always interesting they want to take everyone’s rights away but don’t apply the same rules to themselves.

  17. Back in my college days some fellows played a game where they wrote fake letters to Ann Landers. I believe money may have been involved. Whoever got their letter published first, won the pot. I did not approve of these shenanigans!

  18. A: Curious what he calls a normal weapon.

    B: I’d have moved out a long time ago. No way she didn’t know what a pussy he was beforehand. He is no protector and she probably suffered from that already.

    C: I would bitch-slap him before walking out. What’s he going to do? Nothing. That’s what he’s going to do.

    @ Anymouse

    My GF’s beauty had a nice roll to it even with full power .357mag

    S&W LadySmith 60 (LS-60)

    Stainless steel w/ cherry wood grips

  19. Where can I get me some of them there exploding bullets for my normal hand gun? Just bought a Sig P938 and want to up it’s fire power.

    What a bunch of crap! Where did she do her “research”, on Moms demand Action or Bloomberg’s site?

  20. The left, when they don’t have “exhibit A” they just make something up.
    Seems to have that vive to it?
    Remember Obama’s fake story girlfriend? Yeah because he had sooooo many.

  21. First time I heard about exploding bullets was from John Hinckley shooting Reagan. I thought, what in the world are those?
    Years went by and I started to realized the media can get very little right. Because when we have first-hand knowledge of a story.
    It seems that the What, where, why, and when of reporting hasn’t been taught in a long time.
    Nope, they need to change America.

  22. So many issues could be addressed here (even at a national level) if only alternate forms of Contraception would be considered and taught: (Warning: Some may find this offensive).
    1. Spit
    2: Swallow
    3: Condoms
    In this ‘Dads’ case the hollow point may be considered by a jury of acquittal for his ‘little girl’.
    I did warn you all,,,

  23. This letter is so hysterical it sounds like it was actually written by mom.

    First, what exactly qualifies as a “Normal gun?” A pink plastic one that shoots water? And what sort of gun do criminals prefer? Sorry to burst your bubble dad, but a 40 cal with hollow points has been a standard duty weapon for the police and FBI for years. Sounds like your little girl did her homework. But I would certainly agree that lessons are in order, followed by practice, practice, and then some more practice. Then you can sleep at night .

  24. Dear dad,
    You know that prank you were thinking of pulling on your daughter, where you jump out of a closet at night wearing a hockey mask and yell, “Boo!”? Do it!

  25. “And it’s not a normal gun either — it is a 40 caliber semi-automatic, and she has hollow point bullets to go with it.” Pfffft! That IS a “normal gun!” ROFL! I’m sure glad that this pantie-waist isn’t my dad!

  26. “Dad” is right. “Daughter” should be red flagged (if jurisdiction has it).

    “Daughter” has enough “free” funds to buy a .40 caliber handgun, and, at least, enough “hollow point” rounds to load it.

    And chooses to sleep in a place with the violently retarded. With a gun, some bullets, and a hollow core door. Instead of moving to a safer place. Even if it means sleeping with a knife, until you can afford a .40 caliber handgun, and, at least, enough “hollow point” rounds to load it.

    Two tards, one gun. It might turn out better than “no gun”. But neither one’s smart enough to work a “murder+suicide”.

  27. This ‘dumbfounded’ dad is really dumb.
    I’ve shot many guns of different calibers most of my life. While exploding rounds do exist they do not exist in small caliber rounds and definitely do not exist in the .40 caliber range for any semi-automatic handgun.

    Admitting I don’t know everything about everything I did a search on the internet to see of there was anything like what was described by dumbfounded dad and, as I suspected, such things do not exist.

    So this is either a prank to show the stupidity of the adviser to the general public or this ‘dad’ is incredibly ignorant. I am betting on the later as anti-gun liberals are really not all that educated on such things.

    If such a round of ammunition existed in this caliber range it would be illegal for anyone to legally sell them to anyone in the civilian population and only our military and or law enforcement would be able to legally obtain them.

    Now before I get deluged by the over enthusiastic gun-nut, which is just as bad as the anti-gun nut who want to rash our 2nd Amendment rights, stay on topic. .40 caliber semi-automatic with exploding bullets available legally to the general public for defensive purposes in the home.

    I am more than tired of the machismo from the cowboy gun nuts out there that are not doing us any favors in protecting our 2nd Amendment rights by their outrageous scenarios and claims of patriotism.

    Now if you can find a .40 caliber round that supports a true ‘explosive’ bullet available legally to the public I will entertain such a comment. And please remember to police your brass before you leave the range or this comment section.

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