Panopticom – IOTW Report


Peter Gabriel’s “So” was arguably the best album to come out of the 1980s. I was let down by his follow up, “US” in 1992 and petty much lost touch with his work after that. He’s 74 now and just because I gave up doesn’t mean he did. At the link is one of his latest works “Panopticom. The song is “Gabrielesque” to say the least while the accompanying video threatens to completely overwhelm the music. Watch

I looked up “panopticom” but found it was a made-up word. What I discovered instead was a real word, “pan-opti-con,” for a real place – a circular prison with cells arranged around a central well, from which prisoners could at all times be observed.

Clever old Pete. Switch out the last letter for an “m” and you have commentary on life lived within the modern cyberscape (a word I just made up, but is self-explanatory).


16 Comments on Panopticom

  1. You’ve rocketed past my musical expertise. I can tell you as a young man, Sledge Hammer had an awesome rhythm for pounding certain things home. Even if you had to keep replaying it. LOL

  2. Totally unimpressed. You know what’s lacking? Music. This arrangement sounds like an update of Kraftwerk style Euro-Synth. The looped, electronic syn-rhythm section is actually annoying. It strains post-dystopian nihilism to the point of cliche. Stay with me:

    I know that it’s too late for Phil, but Chester does very well in the Kit, so if we throw him, Steve Hackett, and Mike Rutherford in for the recording session this song could have potential. Real musicians could bring life to this song. But as it sits, it lacks Music.

  3. I (seriously) thought that Peter Gabriel was dead and that’s why Phil Collins was brought in to Genesis.
    Enjoyed some of their stuff but never bought any of it.
    That being said (typed) I enjoyed that even though I found the video a bit creepy.

    Opinions are like … – they all stink.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I saw Gabriel on his One World Live tour in 93. One of the best shows I’ve ever been to (and I’ve been to very many). I was pretty excited to see that he was touring again this year and looked up the details. I read about and discovered some of the music from his new album. I decided then that I definitely did not want to go to see him now. I will live off the memory of that brilliant tour in 93.


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