Paper Blade Can Be Used in a Pinch – IOTW Report

Paper Blade Can Be Used in a Pinch

Yes, you can make a paper blade and it will cut some light duty work.

It doesn’t look good for precision work, however. But it was cool to see it cut through plastic and wood. Video—>

18 Comments on Paper Blade Can Be Used in a Pinch

  1. Your being played. The papers just a medium. What was that paste? You can’t cut through something that’s a 8 Rockwell with something that’s a two Rockwell. Try it with out the magic paste.

  2. @Just Sayin’, those paper cuts sure hurt like you-know-what. Have you ever gotten a cardboard cut? That’s almost worse – ole raggedy edge cut – more like a scrape.

  3. cool. I have 3 dremels and
    3000 attachments.I bought out
    the remains of a jewelry repair/factory
    years ago.The cut-off wheels do the most
    work for me.I used a carbide burr today to
    create a rectangular slot in a piece of 1/4″
    nickel-silver bar I was carving on to make a front
    bolster for a knife I am making.

  4. Hey Brad, I wanted to get back to you and Big Gun on the Riker’s Island thing. But I was busy all day counting pay my bills.
    I feel Riker’s (NY) should deport all illegal alien criminals immediately.
    A man like Sheriff Joe Arpaio Arizona, should take over and clean out that nest of corruption. (But you saw what happened to him)
    No more pool rooms, between meal snacks, weight rooms, television
    etc. No more roving gangs within the compound. The inmates practically run the place. They get inside information on Corrections Officers and threaten their families. The New Yok Times
    is full of shit.
    Great article in todays NY Post by Kyle Smith on Che de Blasio.
    Hope you can get it. Semper Fi

  5. Yep. That’s what the packing says. I have to buy a sharpening gadget. Nothappy about that. I found that Polyesther or / and cotton knits really dull the blades.

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