Paper Says it Was Just a “Mistake” When They Ran Picture of Trump with a Hitler Mustache – IOTW Report

Paper Says it Was Just a “Mistake” When They Ran Picture of Trump with a Hitler Mustache

And it was all just happy accidents when they ran pictures of Obama with halos.


ht/ WiscoDave

16 Comments on Paper Says it Was Just a “Mistake” When They Ran Picture of Trump with a Hitler Mustache

  1. Hitler was a strict Vegan. Patron of the arts and architecture. Had wanted to be an artist in his youth. Dogs loved him. Children flocked to him.
    Bestselling author. War Hero, with the Army’s highest medal for bravery. Compelling speaker. Starlets and socialites swooned over him, in vain.
    Give him an updated Kennedy haircut, and Hitler would be the DNC’s Miracle Savior Candidate in 2018.

    “He’s Back!” Is now on Netflix Streaming. All too plausible.

  2. Here is Wapokoneta Daily News’ FB page.

    “Meet” their staff: (from WDN website)

    Deb Zwez Publisher 419-739-3504
    Tom Wehrhahn Managing Editor 419-739-3515
    Dave Vorhees Staff Writer 419-739-3517
    Laura Koenig Staff Writer 419-739-3514
    Gayle Masonbrink Advertising Director 419-300-1076
    Deb Kaverman Classifieds Department 419-738-2128
    Amelia Goff Circulation Manager 419-739-3501
    Robert Darner Graphics Supervisor 419-739-3505
    Mark Croy Press Room Foreman 419-739-3511

    Tell ’em what you think of their juvenile, asinine, anti-American stunt.

    They won’t know unless we tell them.

  3. They aren’t apologizing for doing the picture edit. That was done intentionally. They sat around the editing room with this exact photo of Trump on their screens and openly bashed him. Everyone is responsible in the editing department, not just one person. Just one person will take the fall though, as soon as they figure out who dislikes DJT the least. They are apologizing in advance to that person for shit canning him/her.

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