Parade float features Obama and Hillary in jail cell – IOTW Report

Parade float features Obama and Hillary in jail cell

AMARILLO, TX (KFDA) – A float at the annual Tri-State Parade sparked mixed reactions among fairgoers Saturday morning.

A picture of the float was submitted to NewsChannel 10 by a viewer. In the photo, a man wearing a President Obama mask is shown waving to the crowd as the float passes by.


The Obama look-a-like is also barricaded inside a makeshift prison alongside a faux Hillary Clinton.


12 Comments on Parade float features Obama and Hillary in jail cell

  1. Sorry but we cannot be disrespectful to those two twats who have earned absolutely ZERO respect over the past 35 years. Nothing but total contempt for Barky Hussein and BAGHAG Hildabeast.

  2. People are fed up. That’s the message I got from this.

    If you black people think it’s racist to put a criminal behind bars just because their black, well, tough shit.

    Don’t do the crime – don’t do the time. Straighten up and fly right.

    We allowed a muslim sodomite loser panty-waist to become the president of the US simply because of our self vanity just so we could convince ourselves that we weren’t “racist”. This is our own damn fault.

    Destruction for the sake of destroying knows no race or gender. And to prove it, we are trying to elect a PROFESSIONAL female criminal. But hey, we’ve never had a ‘female’ for president, so to prove that we’re not “misogynist” we will elect a person who we know will put the nail into the coffin of America.

    They are gonna do it by hook or by crook. You watch. Because nobody close enough to these evil heathens has the honor enough to put them out of OUR misery.

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