Parallel economy fueled by conservatives gives consumers alternatives that support their values – IOTW Report

Parallel economy fueled by conservatives gives consumers alternatives that support their values

JTN: “We started our company with the idea that books are the most important thing because they have a special way of sparking kids’ imaginations and activating their mind,” Brave Books CEO Trent Talbot said. 

While companies such as Bud Light and Target have drifted left, leading to boycotts and backlash, conservative entrepreneurs spent much of 2023 creating a parallel economy to give consumers more products that align with their values. 

Conservative leaders described to Just the News how they got involved in businesses by creating multiple alternatives in banking, books, shopping, job boards and music. 

Last year, country music star John Rich announced the creation of a new bank for Americans who support freedom of speech and have concerns about their existing bankers punishing them – and their accounts – for publicly backing issues that their banks don’t support.

The bank is called Old Glory Bank and it’s being led by Rich, conservative commentator Larry Elder and Dr. Ben Carson, a former cabinet secretary and 2016 presidential candidate. MORE

11 Comments on Parallel economy fueled by conservatives gives consumers alternatives that support their values

  1. Switched to Patriot Mobile several years ago when ATT got woke. An American company based in Texas, with American tech support, and they donate to 2nd Amendment causes rather than undermining them. Been very happy with them.

    Also a founding account holder at Old Glory. I’ve not taken the full plunge from my old bank(been with them since ‘75), but they seem gtg.

  2. I’m perfectly happy with my credit union as I refuse to do business with banks after Seafirst (now Bank of America) hosed my wife and I on our first home by selling our mortgage without notifying us to another bank in the early 80’s.

  3. MY CU is offering 5.01% for a 7-mth CD. I have a CD maturing in April, and hopefully interest rates will be the same or higher when I decide what to do with it. I’m tempted to go open up another CD tomorrow at 5.01%. I like to walk into a building and get my money……

    Is Old Glory FDIC? I went to their website but didn’t see an FDIC emblem. Matters not. If banks go teats up, there’s not enough worthless money to make everyone whole.

  4. they are FDIC insured. from the FAQ on the website

    How can Old Glory Bank be FDIC insured and still protect me from federal overreach?
    What makes Old Glory Bank so safe and secure for your deposits is that we are FDIC-insured up to $250,000 per depositor. We are not a “challenger” bank like so many of the online providers who partner with a third-party bank

  5. I’m out pretty far as well. Turns out they provided a SIM card that worked fine before I moved here, but crapped out after. I called, spoke to a nice native-English-speaking rep, and had a new ATT branded SIM card come by FedEx the next afternoon.

    So, they seem to offer a sim provider suitable to your location.


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