The author of this article is certainly a keen observer of our current political system. We have one side that attempts to gain power by promising a share of the spoils to its voters while the other tries to actually govern responsibly (unless, of course, its co-opted by the same sort of promises). More
Let’s call it Deep State Wars, because who ever controls the levers of our massively intrusive government wins.
Interesting take on things. I look at our current times as mostly intentional, non-stop chaos imposed to hide the fact hat every productive system in our country is getting looted by parasitic people. Eventually, we will run out of productive people and mechanisms. At that point, things will get real primitive real fast.
But who is John Galt?
It doesn’t pay to BE a taxPAYER these days – the ticks get you from BOTH ends…
Because parasitism is something new (under the sun)?
Because technology is something new (in human history)?
So, there is something new, under the sun.
Or, maybe it’s just so old, it’s “new” again?
And we’ve come full circle. Same as it ever is.
And we are, still, not your private army.
“We want to relieve want;
Not to supply indolence.”
(Solon of Athens, ~500 BC)
Totalitarianism IS Parasitism.
Parasitism IS Totalitarianism.
Gov’t ALWAYS attracts parasites – such are their natures.
izlamo delenda est …