Pardon? – IOTW Report


25 Comments on Pardon?

  1. This reminded me of the post and the very strange (eye opening) joke on Bill (dick nose) Maher BFH posted. It was taken down. Too much info revealed? Sick bastards need to be held accountable.

  2. …I’ve seen sillier.

    …we have signs on two of our bathrooms saying NO EATING OR DRINKING IN THE REST ROOM. You would think that goes without saying, that you don’t shit where you eat, but no. We had this BIG guy who would order a large pizza and a 2 liter, go to the rest room, then sit in the SINGLE stall in the men’s and eat and drink and poop and, for some reason, sing in a high, keening voice that was nowhere NEAR his normal speaking voice, until his food and drink were gone. He was a nice guy and a hard worker when he wasn’t pooping, but he also wasn’t all there. But because Management was too cowardly to actually talk to the ONE guy who was doing this, they instead posted BOTH bathrooms with that and hoped he would obey. 8t became a moot issue when he quit, but the signs remain as a monument to his tenure with us…

  3. In Jr High we had a teacher that always ate his bag lunch in the teachers bath room. He would rest the bag on the urinal shelf and that became his table. I’m serious. Mr. Casey. Needless to say he was strange in other ways also.

  4. …one time, an adventurer got lost in the jungle, then suddenly stumbled into a clearing filled with natives. They grabbed him and brought him to the Chief, who told him, “you trespassed here, but we are a fair people and have heard something of your White ways. So I offer you our version of Russian Roulette where you can earn your freedom or die.

    The man thought, couldn’t think of a way out otherwise, do he accepted.

    The chief clapped his hands, and immediately six of the most beautiful native girls he ever saw ran to the fire and kneeled in a circle around him, joined by a warrior who stood beside him unclothed, who then pulled his pants off roughly.

    …”what is this?” The adventurer sputtered.

    “This is our roulette. You will each take turns putting your manhood in the mouths of these maidens until one of you loses.”

    …”What’s the roulette then? How do you lose?”

    …”one of the girls is a cannibal”.

  5. …and if you still have an appetite for it…

    …you only need to worry in the daylight.

    That’s because one day, two cannibal tribes that ate each other ceremonially, as a form of victory celebration, fought longer than ususal, and the sun was fading rapidly when one tribe broke and ran, leaving their dead behind. The cooks parted and roasted the dead warriors, bringing the choicest cut of the fattest man, a forearm complete with wrist and hand, wrapped in banana leaves and done to a turn, with great jubilation to their chief so he could take the first bite and start the feast. By then, the cooking fire had died down, leaving only a dull reddish glow over the hungry warriors and their umber meats.

    Famished by the fighting and the long delay, the chief snatched the arm and bit into it hungrily, biting down on sinew and tendons.

    …this caused the hand, which was unfortunately carelessly placed, to close over the chief’s face with a SNAP, with two of the toasted fingers burrowing into his eye sockets, forever blinding him.

    And that’s why cannibals won’t eat after dark.

    Because they can’t see the hand in front of their face.

  6. There are some Slow Children Playing signs in a few neighborhoods near me. I’ve yet to see any of the slow children. All the ones I’ve seen seem to be moving at normal speeds.

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