Parents Furious as Teens Forced to Wear COVID Ankle Monitors Warning Others to Stay Back – IOTW Report

Parents Furious as Teens Forced to Wear COVID Ankle Monitors Warning Others to Stay Back


For the past year and a half, those of us who have felt the pandemic was being used as a tool to manipulate people have been labeled conspiracy theorists by the establishment media and leftist elites.

As time goes on, more evidence emerges that seems to suggest we were right all along.

According to the Post Millennial, students at Eatonville High School in Washington were forced to wear ankle monitors in order to participate in athletics. more here

14 Comments on Parents Furious as Teens Forced to Wear COVID Ankle Monitors Warning Others to Stay Back

  1. Have we reached peak stupid yet? I am glad they are letting them play sports but they know that all 12 players touch the same ball. Right? I know Covid is the first virus ever not to be transmitted by touch, but volleyball players also have the disgusting habit of licking their hands and then wiping their shoes for traction. A habit they actually discouraged in writing during last years Covid club season, along with switching team sides during matches.

  2. The social distancing violation alarm is very much a Chinese Social Credit thing. I am shocked that there’s not already a mandatory distance alarm app for students.

    And speaking of being shocked…is that next?

  3. big brother

    think about what that thing is/does. First it conspicuously marks someone for something- in this case a virus. Then discrimination. Probably isn’t too comfy, being the person who has to wear it. That way people can stay away from that person, or ‘self distance.’ That was called ‘shunning’ where I grew up as a kid. The real feature of the thing is- it will help let people know if they got too close to a monitor and the wearer was positive for something- like a virus, in this case. Sounds OK? Think about it for a second. How does the monitor know that someone else got too close to it? The monitor is a bluetooth communication device. Every bluetooth communication device that has current system updates working, communicates with every other active bluetooth device. It records every other bluetooth device that it can communicate with. And it stores the data. On the device. IOS does it for 14 days. they say. There is no need for a central hub- the phones/devices keep the info. That is what they say the ankle monitor is doing. And, when the phone/device is in the vicinity of an active internet transmission site, it will transfer/download what it has stored. All that is done in the ‘background.’ You probably didn”t even know its going on. It is. Right now. Exactly who/where the data goes to isn’t exactly clear, to me at least. Oh, you can opt out of it, they say. Sort of. They say you can turn bluetooth off. But they will still be able to send a message to you, alerting you if you got too close to a dirty monitor- even with bluetooth turned off. How would they know that, if bluetooth and the tracking ‘feature’ is turned off?? Yeah, there’s nothing wrong with any of that.
    I’m surprised there is a company that makes such a thing. Maybe they came up with this concept before the phone makers stole it. Doubtful they’d want to compete with the big guys, unless they hoped to cash in on a monitor’s conspicuousness for discrimination purposes. There’s a lot of people that like do to do that, and they don’t have to wear the monitor- they just get to make others do it. Anyway, msm, then people, will sell the concept as a good idea- to track people. They”ll acknowledge concern about it and sell more shit saying ‘we’re working to make it less obvious- we realize that is what you really want, and we hear you.’ spin and push.
    Anyway, other than being obvious/conspicuous this is going on right now with everyone that has a cellphone. I don’t take one with me when I go out.

  4. This shit will not end until people start beating the living fuck out of the school boards or superintendents or principals or teachers who order such mindnumbingly stupid fucking bullshit.

  5. If possible parents should remove their kids from the corporate school system and homeschool their youngsters. Assistance and info can be found at hsldadotorg whose leaderships are LEGITIMATE educators and attorneys.

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