Parents Giving Puberty Blockers To Prepubescent “Transgender” Children Are Committing Chemical Castration – IOTW Report

Parents Giving Puberty Blockers To Prepubescent “Transgender” Children Are Committing Chemical Castration

16 Comments on Parents Giving Puberty Blockers To Prepubescent “Transgender” Children Are Committing Chemical Castration

  1. Any parent who dresses their boy as a girl or girl as a boy and tells them they’re the opposite sex should have their kids taken away. Any parent who gives their child puberty blockers should be put in jail. Any doctor who prescribes puberty blockers should lose their medical license and go to jail.

  2. @organgrinder — Just a small, but important, correction to your comment: This is not how low society has sunk; it’s how low those who adhere to Progressive dogma have sunk.

    I’m not nit-picking. This is how the Left implicated all Americans in slavery, Jim Crow, KKK, and anti-Civil Rights.

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