Parents of Baby Alex Procured Unvaxxed Blood But Hospital Used Vaxxed Blood Instead — Now He’s Dead From Blood Clots – IOTW Report

Parents of Baby Alex Procured Unvaxxed Blood But Hospital Used Vaxxed Blood Instead — Now He’s Dead From Blood Clots

Liberty Daily: The story of Baby Alex is every unvaccinated parent’s nightmare. He was supposed to be given blood from an unvaccinated donor for his needed transfusion. The parents procured the blood from a donor at their church. But the hospital made a “mistake” and Alex died from blood clots after getting blood from a vaccinated person. Now, the hospital denies everything, even that Alex was there at all.

19 Comments on Parents of Baby Alex Procured Unvaxxed Blood But Hospital Used Vaxxed Blood Instead — Now He’s Dead From Blood Clots

  1. @Sippin’ Coffee — Definitely criminal liability for the criminal negligence that led to the “mistake”. But the denial that the poor baby was ever there? That calls for a superhuman display of restraint to keep the liars from being beaten to a bloody pulp, and then being beaten some more.

  2. We’ve been blessed with a Grand Daughter. Now 8 months old and becoming more fun every day. Kids got really poor taste and loves the heck outa Grand Pa. So when I read a story like this I just want to shoot them in the face. I can’t even imagine what the family is going through.

  3. My child was born a cleft baby, and this meant he needed numerous surgeries, the first before he was 1 year old. I was not a Christian then and was dealing with a large number of issues I was not expecting to at all, so I was a bit unhinged by all these threats to my newborns life and my them recent experiences with transporting other people’s postsurgical babies to the hospital on an emergent basis.

    I was not willing to accept a negative outcome, so unknown to my child’s surgeon I was armed with a knife and the knowledge to use it, and would likely have left him dead on the floor in the consultation room had he come out and said my child had died during surgery.

    I was not rational when it came to the life of my baby. I’m not proud of it, but it was a fact. That doctor had no idea of the risk to his own life that operating on my son presented.

    If this were me and baby Alex was mine, I would have gone to jail that day and at least one of the doctors would have joined him in the morgue. It would not bring him back, but would definitely end the career of a vaxxx butcher and serve notice on others that they run a similar risk.

    Honestly, I’m not sure this isn’t where this HAS to end. They have no reason to stop until there are real consequences for NOT stopping. An eye for an eye and all that.

    This was for all intents and purposes the political murder of an innocent infant.

    It should therefore be treated as such.

  4. As soon as I understood that the Red Cross wasn’t screening blood donations based on “vaccination” status, I knew something like this was inevitable. Sue these bastards until they scream for mercy, then sue them some more.

  5. It’s just amazing, even knowing that “the love of money is the root of all evil” that entire hospital staffs have been so thoroughly bought and possessed that they are intentionally killing people of all ages and no one in the hospitals is speaking up.
    Hospitals seem to have become in large part satanic temples.

    And mainstream propaganda networks wonder out loud why the mistrust of the medical world is growing.

  6. Uncle Al: ” That calls for a superhuman display of restraint to keep the liars from being beaten to a bloody pulp, and then being beaten some more.”
    I want whatever you’re smoking…
    Nothing violent will happen:
    1. Too lazy to act.
    2. Militarized Police.
    3. Security cameras, everywhere.
    4. Low levels of testosterone.
    5. Lawsuit incoming, the lawyers will get rich.
    Come out of your bubble and look around…

  7. “Now, the hospital denies everything, even that Alex was there at all.”

    Well, somebody signed the death certificate. But this is what doctors and hospitals do now. A botched surgery killed my mother. A nurse was willing to testify. When the attorneys started their investigation, the doctor and hospital involved circled the wagons, and the pathology report mysteriously disappeared. And the nurse recanted her story.

  8. Maybe this is why we’re seeing an uptick in gun violence in doctor offices and hospitals. So sowree, we know nothing. TS your kid is dead, Gates got his wish. I see my doctor next week, he carries.

  9. @Tony R: The hospital killed my mother as well. People are still subject to testing and being vaxxed in order to see your loved one in the hospital here. With less people looking around, the better they are at killing off your loved one. The nickname for the hospital in this town is called “The Morgue.” I coined that name for it over 20 years ago and it stuck. BTW, they call it “mercy killing.”

  10. Noovuss,
    Identify the target; photo, car, license plate, daily routine, routes driven.
    I think you can figure out the rest.
    Follow the IRA model; identify, hide, shoot, scoot.

  11. Accidents like this are SOP for hospitals. If it goes to court they will drag it out so long that it will be the great grandchildren collecting, if they can hold out that long.


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