Parents say Chicken McNuggets were so hot they ‘disfigured’ their 4-year-old in lawsuit against McDonald’s – IOTW Report

Parents say Chicken McNuggets were so hot they ‘disfigured’ their 4-year-old in lawsuit against McDonald’s

Video obtained by WPLG-TV shows the mom being handed the happy meals at the drive-thru of the fast food restaurant before she hands them to her children in the backseat.

32 Comments on Parents say Chicken McNuggets were so hot they ‘disfigured’ their 4-year-old in lawsuit against McDonald’s

  1. Imagine the damage to her children this dumb See You Next Tuesday could do with a pizza. Either I or their older sister checks the temperature of food before the little ones get it.

  2. Most deep frying starts with oil between 325 and 375 degrees, but the temperature drops when food is added. Once the oil recovers some heat, it should remain somewhere between 250 and 325 degrees (depending on your recipe) for the duration of cooking.

    Simple laws of thermodynamics dictate the time that needs to elapse after it comes out of the fryer and when it is safe to eat.

  3. @geoff – I’ve seen several mcnuggets with beaks in them quite a few years back (>30), so I’m guessing they perfected the grinding process.

    Although it does seem gross, beaks, bones and such are very nutritious. Stocks are essentially liquefied bone/skin/beaks.

  4. I never ever gave any of my kids fast or otherwise food I didn’t first check for safety.

    I did interpose my own body between a falling bowel of red hot Spaghetti-O’s falling from a microwave and my daughters little face once, still have the scars. That’s what parents do.

    Sounds like they are seeking that golden ticket from the Golden Arches to me…

  5. I wouldn’t put it past some filthy ghetto negress to nuke the nugget in a microwave at home and then deliberately burn the kid for a payday out of it. We’re talking about the kind of people literally behave like demons.

  6. There is no limit to human stupidity, and warnings -MUST- be issued as the law will not recognize a general assumption that people are not idiots.

    For a case in point, I refer you to my avitar that I made special for this occasion. This is a sign (in case the avitar doesn’t work on this go) that says “NO FOOD OR DRINK ALLOWED IN RESTROOM”. You would think that it goes without saying that you don’t eat where you’d poop, but here I show you a picture of an ACTUAL sign on an ACTUAL workplace bathroom door that says you’re wrong.

    …See, there was this one guy, really nice guy, really STRONG guy, but not a ball of fire in the brains department and had some, eh, “developmental” issues as well despite being in his 30s. He was also protected class so there was that in terms of any management attempts in behavior modification in addition to the implicit threat of a potental ass-kicking by someone so simple and so strong.

    Anyway, this guy would go to this particular men’s room, which only had ONE commode and three urinals, and would take a legit break but go back there with a large pizza, a two liter soda, and nestle down on the commode until his pizza and soda were consumed. I’m not sure if he was going for perpetual motion or what, but you could CLEARLY see this was the case because the bathroom isn’t that big and you could see under the stall that he set his pizza box ON THE BATHROOM FLOOR in front of the throne and would occasionally reach down and grab a slice, alternating with picking his pop up off the floor for a swig until all was gone. He would also sing in a high, keening voice that belied his burly appearance, apparently to his poop as it emerged, all of which made for a rather disturbing experience when you went in there to take a wiz, and forced anyone else with #2 business to walk to the other end of the plant to do so.

    Obviously this was not popular with other employees and Management for a host of reasons, not the least of which were hygine issues, but again they didn’t want to talk to -THAT- guy because of reasons already mentioned. So someone hit on the idea of having these signs worded and put on both the men’s an women’s bathroom, and then they could tell him “No, no, it’s not YOU, just we don’t want ANYONE eating or drinking in the bathroom” even though no one else WAS.

    This fellow also lived in a rolling trash heap as far as anyone knows and had attendence problems that ultimately took him out, but the signage persists as a mute reminder that some people actually in fact DO poop where they eat.

    And ANY OTHER SIGN you see, whether its a sign for not using a ladder upside-down or not using a hair dryer in the bathtub has similiar origins.

    There is no limit to human stupidity, and no limit to trial lawyer greed too.

    You cannot go before a judge and say you ASSUME people are not fools, because he knows that most of them ARE, and knows that deep down YOU do TOO.

    Look for warning messages to appear in drivethroughs and on Happy Meal boxes in future, but too late to save McDs from a lifetime of paying for this child’s parent-induced injury, mental health care, and pain and suffering, or so the contingency lawyer will say as he takes 80% of the jackpot.

    But don’t look for common sense.

    It isn’t common at ALL.

  7. “She has one burn, and that’s the one location where the McNugget was trapped by the seatbelt for two minutes,”

    Two minutes? It was burning her for two minutes – is the kid or her mother disabled? Good grief.

  8. Not buying it.
    My BS meter is pegged to MAX.
    Red flags thrown everywhere!
    Yes, any food coming out of a deep fryer will be hot. Very hot. Burn skin hot.
    From the time the food is dumped from the fryer basket to the secondary basket, (optional – seasoned), then scooped (usually a metal scoop – more heat transfer) from the secondary basket to the customer’s food container and bagged……
    the customer’s car pulls up from the order speaker, to the payment window, to the food window……..
    at least 1-2 minutes have passed, allowing the deep fried food to cool via thermal induction at every step + time.
    Add to this the time it takes for the driver (mom) to pass the food back to junior, the food should be cooled enough to safely handle.
    Even if the food is still “hot”, it’s not “burn skin” hot.

    Mom has rigged something to create a burn on junior, she’s looking for the GibsMe Deep Pockets Golden Ticket.
    Hopefully Mickey Dees has enough of a backbone to say “NO!” and stick to it.

  9. President Elect @ AT 1:55 PM,

    You may well be right.

    But you wanna try that as a lawyer for a hated “corporation” with a weepy POC Mom in front of a dozen hand-selected idiots who Denocrats have spent DECADES villifying you to while they show pictures of a 4 year olds agony to a jury that looks, acts, and thinks like her?

    …good luck with that…

  10. “Mom has rigged something to create a burn on junior, she’s looking for the GibsMe Deep Pockets Golden Ticket.
    Hopefully Mickey Dees has enough of a backbone to say “NO!” and stick to it.”

    Agreed. If it was from an apple pie, maybe…unless they only serve them warm now due to complaints in the past…but not from a nugget. I’m having a hard time believing it too.

  11. …all that said, babies DO scream when burnt. If Mom didn’t drop the buggy in “P” immediately and deal with the blood-curdling shreiks this would cause, she’s either a psychopathic sadist or it didn’t happen the way she claims.

  12. at 1:03, it shows a still photo capture of the kid in the back seat, eating. I don’t see a seat belt being properly worn. The logo for the TV station blocks some, but both shoulders can be seen, and there is no indication of a seat belt in use.
    at 1:59, both her shoulders can again be seen, with no indication of seat belt use.

  13. @CJ
    McDonald’s ruined apple pies when they stop deep frying them, the only thing I would eat there in the day. When I was a kid I worked there for about a year at $1.60 an hour then got a 5 cent raise. Everything smelled the same after working there a while. After all these years I’ve concluded that McDonald’s doesn’t care about making healthy food at all, not at all.

  14. Mother is frauding hard on this one. Baulder of the dash variety.

    Even if you could drop a nugget under a properly worn seatbelt, your clothes will give plenty of protection from that low density peoce of “food.”

  15. I get so sick of stupid people doing stupid things and then blaming others. I once knew a woman who drove through a taco joint’s drive thru, she ordered her kids food and chips and queso, one of the kids pulled the lid off of the queso and it spilled on them and burned them. She threw a fit for it being that hot and then got super pissed at me when she was ranting to me and I told her it was melted cheese, cheese doesn’t melt unless it’s hot and asked why the hell was she handing a 6 year old kid queso in the car?

    Then yesterday I was reading about a fairly local zoo/safari where a stupid kid who the staff say they warned multiple times to not try to pet the lemurs, ran back when they were moving the group to the next area and reached through and grabbed the lemur. Witnesses say the Lemur scratched the brat, the brat’s mother who apparently can’t control her kid claims the lemur bit the kid.
    Now the USDA is investigating and they have to shut down until after the investigation and the mother is saying she’s going to sue for her brat’s injuries. Personally I think the mother should be investigated for neglect and stupidity.

  16. Old Racist White Woman
    AT 12:55 AM

    “Witnesses say the Lemur scratched the brat, the brat’s mother who apparently can’t control her kid claims the lemur bit the kid.
    Now the USDA is investigating and they have to shut down until after the investigation and the mother is saying she’s going to sue for her brat’s injuries.”

    Tell the lemur it could have been WAY worse.

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