Parents threatened with arrest for walking their kids to elementary school – IOTW Report

Parents threatened with arrest for walking their kids to elementary school

bear branch elementary magnolia tx

EAG: MAGNOLIA, Texas – Parents are removing their children from Bear Branch Elementary School after the principal allegedly banned them from school grounds and threatened violators with arrest.

Parents told Fox 26 that Bear Branch principal Holly Ray instituted a new policy at the beginning of the year that banned parents from walking their students to or from the school building, forcing them to either wait in a long car line or put their kids on the bus.

“She’s threatening to arrest people,” parent Wendy Jarman said.

Jarman told Fox 26 she used to escort her children to school, but Ray’s decision to ban the practice and Montgomery County Constables who are enforcing the principal’s decree convinced her to transfer her kids to private school.  more here

15 Comments on Parents threatened with arrest for walking their kids to elementary school

  1. This is part of the natural progression of the “progressive’s” journey toward an all powerful state. The state is effectively claiming ownership of your children now if you can be arrested for being on school grounds to pick them up. This is the state exerting their will by force over who controls what a child says and does, no matter where the child is.

    Parents no longer are responsible for the child except for paying whatever the state demands to take care of the child as the state sees fit. Parents are to have no input into the child’s daily lives unless the state first approves. It’s all for the good of the chillrun doncha know.

    The pot is getting close to a full boil now ……… has the frog already cooked?

  2. What the hell has this country come to when you can’t even walk on the very property you paid for with hard earned, over-taxed dollars to drop off or pick up your own child?
    Welcome to the The New Communism of unnecessary, over-reaching, over-bearing, out-of-control, dictatorial “regulation” where you can always be found guilty of something in a Marxist “Utopia” of insane pretzel-logic!

  3. This is why i’m a Trumpeter. He would cut that shit out whit one humiliating and ugle glance in this biotches direction.

    She would wet herself while bowing in humiliation.

  4. AAC, the way I read it, the local cops are enforcing this so bats won’t do. Everybody walking their kid to school needs to be armed and they need sniper cover every stretch. Ever notice how much weird shit happens in Texas?

  5. Time for pellets and paintballs all over the principal’s car.

    There has to be a joke about “Ray” and “sunshine” in there somewhere, but I ain’t seein’ it.

  6. When my kids were going to school, the administrations tried some crazy stuff, I spent more time in the principal’s office as a parent than I ever did as a student.
    For something like this, however, I’d be willing to be arrested.

  7. Parents who do nothing when shit like this happens give a signal to the tyrants that it is ok to step up the pace in the run to total control. Silence from a parent, with things like this, equals submission. The controllers see enough silence and it gives them confidence that they can continue with their agenda, as planned. That’s why this shit will never stop – they see that they can easily win.

    It may be out of control right now, but the People have the power to put the control back into the hands of the parents — if they will just stand up firmly and speak up against every such violation of their rights.

    Sue these fukcing bastards and call the police on them for violating your rights. Get enough police reports on record and these asshats will start to think about other consequences.

  8. i’m curious if the kids are allowed to walk home ALONE, without a parent, assuming they live close enough?…..that answer would shine a little more light on the motive behind this besnigglecht ban……

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