Paris Accord Members Scrapping Over Money – IOTW Report

Paris Accord Members Scrapping Over Money

France’s Prime Minister, Emmanuel Macron, hosted a number of world and business leaders yesterday for a follow-up on their lack of progress on meeting the goals of the Paris Climate Accord. Now that President Trump pulled The United States out of the agreement, those remaining are haranguing each other to pay for their commitments.


Apparently, they all thought the Climate Accord was going to be just like NATO, they reap the benefits while we pay the bill.

12 Comments on Paris Accord Members Scrapping Over Money

  1. They should have plenty of money on hand what with the millions of Muslim invaders working extra hard and paying mucho taxes, not having to pay much money for defense and Inspector Clouseau shaking down crooked organ grinders and their minkeys for under the table payoffs to the government!!

  2. “and Gov. Jerry Brown of California. The official American representative was D. Brent Hardt, chargé d’affaires at the United States Embassy in Paris.”

    Why was Jerry acting on behalf of the U.S. that is not his job. Sounds like collusion to me.

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