Paris appeals court agrees: Muslim Killer of Jewish woman ‘too high’ to be guilty – IOTW Report

Paris appeals court agrees: Muslim Killer of Jewish woman ‘too high’ to be guilty

I wonder if you got high and killed Muslims if this *Islamophobic court would render a similar outcome.

*Islamophobic means scared of Muslims, and that’s what these French fruits are.

JPost – The Paris Appeals Court on Thursday upheld a lower court ruling that a Muslim man who killed his Jewish neighbor will not face trial because he was too high on marijuana to control his actions.

The court relieved Kobili Traore, 29, of criminal responsibility for his slaying of Sarah Halimi, whom Traore pummeled for about an hour while shouting about Allah and calling her a demon before throwing the 60-year-old physician to her death from the window of her third-story apartment. It did say that the killing was partly because of antisemitism.Traore had a “delusional episode” because of a large amount of marijuana he ingested shortly before he entered Halimi’s apartment, the court said.

He is to be hospitalized for treatment of his psychotic lapses or made to attend a drug rehabilitation program, AFP reported.But Traore, whom Halimi’s daughter said once called her a “dirty Jew” on the building’s staircase, “does appear to have voluntarily ended the life of Sarah Halimi,” the court also said. It retained the aggravated element of a hate crime in the indictment against Traore, but determined it would not go to trial because Traore was not fully aware of his actions on the night of April 3, when he killed Halimi, according to the court.


ht/ the big owe

23 Comments on Paris appeals court agrees: Muslim Killer of Jewish woman ‘too high’ to be guilty

  1. I would suggest he ingest another “large amount of marijuana” so that he will be unaware of his head being removed from his body. Religion of Peace, and all that….

  2. had the, ´I was so high´ defense failed, there is the inbreeding fallback position.
    my client, like all muslums, is so inbred he did not know what he was doing due to mental impairment

  3. …well, then he SHOULD be executed in a Shari’a court then, for violating the word of Mohammad…

    ““Khamr is what befogs the mind.” These are the words spoken by `Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) from the pulpit of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) providing us with a decisive criterion for defining what falls under the prohibited category ofkhamr. There remains then no room for doubts and questions: any substance which has the effect of befogging or clouding the mind, impairing its faculties of thought, perception, and discernment is prohibited by Allah and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) and will remain so until the Day of Judgment.”

    …off the building with him, boys…

  4. …I grew up in the ’70s, but I do not recall ANYBODY ever being hit by toking up like THAT, it’s not really a “violent” sort of high, so I guess the judges don’t know anything about DRUGS, either…

  5. Much like the Muslim man who “tripped” and landed on his daughter’s friend… and somehow his penis ended up inside her. The judge concluded that this was a completely valid explanation for the incident.

  6. Some of the purposes of prison are to punish and to protect the public. Since this muslim POS was so high he could kill and could get high again if released, his punishment should be life in prison without parole to prevent him from getting high again.

    Getting high is not an excuse or a get out of jail free card.

  7. Go FKCU YUSIEF France!

    How about: To Hammered to be charged for DUI!


    Too Horny to be charged with Rape!
    (which sometimes seems to happen in the new Europe with their new “Guests”


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