Paris attack – ‘Two Brits’ among at least seven injured by rampaging Muslim – IOTW Report

Paris attack – ‘Two Brits’ among at least seven injured by rampaging Muslim

The Sun

A suspect ‘of Pakistani or Afghan origin’ began ‘slashing passers-by’ on the Loire Quay in the north of the city on Sunday night.

The knifeman, who was also armed with a metal bar, first stabbed three people outside the MK2 cinema complex, “including two English tourists”, according to investigators.

One was particularly badly hurt after being “stabbed in the head”,  while the other was “cut in the chest”.

He injured four others, before a police night patrol appeared, and arrested the unnamed man at the scene.


13 Comments on Paris attack – ‘Two Brits’ among at least seven injured by rampaging Muslim

  1. Those poor Brits. They went all the way to Paris and got stabbed when they could have been stabbed my muslims, er, “asians” in the comfort of their own country.

    Has London mayor Shaka Khan said anything yet?

  2. The attacker was an Afghan national who randomly attacked people in the street, but authorities say it was not a terrorist attack.

    Let us analyze it. He did not target individuals for a particular reason, like messing with his wife (or his goat), cheating him in a game of cards, or calling him a filthy pig. Not terrorism, they say, but no known motive, either. Eliminate all other possibilities and you are left with one: random assaults on people for being westerners, AKA, an act of terrorism.

    One of the biggest enemies of western civilization is the so-called authorities who we all thought were supposed to protect us. They can’t even be honest with us.

  3. International news wires all reporting not terror related. I’m inclined to believe them. This is Chicago-esque weekly occurrences, of which they’ve accepted as the norm.

    Parisians don’t seem to be alarmed to the degree they demand truthful reporting, nor deporting the knife wielding sects back to their countries of origin.

  4. @Tim Buktu September 9, 2018 at 11:37 pm

    > One of the biggest enemies of western civilization is the so-called authorities who we all thought were supposed to protect us. They can’t even be honest with us.

    If they were honest, you’d be morally obligated to execute them. Maybe for a different reason, but acting just like a filthy Islamist. So you see? They’re lying to you to protect you! From becoming what you hate. You should thank them. Money’s always nice.

  5. Anonymous, you are so right. I cant wait for bombs to start going off at media outlets in America on a daily basis. And also at the apartments of these homosexual pedophiles and pedarasts. I am waiting but cant stand the delay…. I am hoping to see drive by shootings at their offices as well. We need these enemies to be eliminated and eradicated in a very painful way. They are the biggest scumbags and threat in America. I ask allah , piss and shit be smeared upon him, and Mo the homo/pedo/suicidal prophet of illslam to curse and destroy the homo/pedo media criminals like only mozlem lunatics can. Truck bombs, drive bys, acid attacks, suicide bombings, pedestrian mow downs, all centered on media locations and media criminal liars, are in order. I hope it starts soon !!!

  6. This is what happens when you disarm a nation. On the rampage attackers, and all the victims can do is throw balls at them ??

    Get real Europe – start arming yourselves, even if it is bought on the black market.

  7. My local Fox outlet is STILL reporting this morning that authorities say it’s not terror related. Yeah right. Like Mo had a Tourette’s like attack and shived seven people. Now they’re reporting a man drove a car into the doors of a Paris airport. I’m sure that’s not terror related either. Achmed, the driver, could not be reached for comment.

    When will the Europeans ever remove their collective heads from their areses?


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