Paris is a Front and Back Hole – IOTW Report

Paris is a Front and Back Hole

Paul Joseph Watson has a profile of Paris. It’s not the romantic European getaway it used to be.

It’s the City of Blights.

It’s a You’re a Peein’ Getaway.


19 Comments on Paris is a Front and Back Hole

  1. My friend visited last year. She said she would never go back but wouldn’t say why. I knew, tho. She just didn’t want to admit what the real problem is because she is super leftist.

  2. My wife and I went to Paris one day in May of 2011. We took the tunnel train from London and spent the day there, then returned to London that evening. We both decided we had seen all of Paris we ever wanted to see. Never going back unless the French government allows me to shoot whoever needs shooting while I’m there.

  3. The wife and I spent a week in Paris in 1996. We had a great time despite a few locals that didn’t seem to like tourists. It was lovely. Too bad they embraced the wrong visitors.

  4. Hey Froglodytes. America spilled lots of blood saving you from your collective stupidity in 2 world wars.

    Your Lafayette card has expired and you can have your statue back.

    Next time? Don’t call.

  5. I visited Paris about 5 times, as a young man, in the 1970’s. WONDERFUL then since it was a WHITE nation. I went everywhere, at any hour, and it was BEAUTIFUL because it was WHITE.

    Today? It is a turd world, african – arab, Sh*t H@le and no WHITE person should step foot in the sewer.

    WE “racist” people tried to warn France. “Camp of the Saints” and Bridgett Bardot weren’t enough and now France has the American Infection. Unfortunately, the ONLY solution now is violence and with the Muslims shipping guns into France, I wonder who will win what is coming.


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