Paris Migrant Campers Increase after Calais Is Shut – IOTW Report

Paris Migrant Campers Increase after Calais Is Shut


Paris, once called the City of Lights, now is home to squalid illegal alien camps, recently further worsened by additional residents since the authorities dismantled of the Calais encampment of thousands. For some reason, the government decided that redistributing the invasive foreigners around the country was a reasonable strategy. So a number of them unsurprisingly ended up in Paris, adding to the anarchy.

RT shot some video (below) and noted:

France: Refugee camp by Paris metro swells as Calais closes, October 28, 2016

The number of refugees and migrants camping around Paris’ Stalingrad metro station has grown since Monday when the refugee camp in Calais known as the “Jungle” began to be dismantled. Footage shot on Friday in the area bordering the 10th and 19th arrondissement showed crowded rows of tents lining the pavement under the rail tracks.


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