Paris to Build Bulletproof Wall Around Eiffel Tower to Repel Terrorist Attacks – IOTW Report

Paris to Build Bulletproof Wall Around Eiffel Tower to Repel Terrorist Attacks


The very wall itself is hurtful and implies that you think that some Muslim, somewhere, is out to do you harm- which is presumptuous and triggering and violates the intersectionality of trust and humanity and…. eat me, progfarts.


Heat Street

In the face of recent attacks and the ongoing terrorism threat in France, Paris will build a bulletproof glass wall around its most famous landmark, the Eiffel Tower, according to French daily Le Parisien.

The roughly 8-foot wall will surround the Iron Lady and its gardens as part of heightened security measures as soon as this fall. This project will cost the city $22 million.

“Sadly, the risk of terrorism hasn’t gone away,” deputy mayor Jean-François Martins said at a Paris press conference, Bloomberg reports. “What scares tourists is lack of security, not security.”

The temporary fences and metal barriers that were installed around the tower since France hosted Euro 2016 soccer championship will be replaced by the clear glass wall.

“All the works to secure the Eiffel Tower are done in consultation with the local architects to preserve the aesthetics of the neighborhood,” said Jean-François Martins, assistant to the mayor in charge of tourism.

The new structure “must be able to stop bullets and vehicles,” Martins said.


18 Comments on Paris to Build Bulletproof Wall Around Eiffel Tower to Repel Terrorist Attacks

  1. Here’s an idea. Ship the muslims out of the country and you won’t need a fucking barrier around the tower. You start firing bullets indiscriminately, I guaranfuckingtee you they will leave at ZERO cost.

  2. The Eiffel Tower must be on every Islamic Terrorist’s list of top ten targets in Europe. It’s the French equivalent of the Twin Towers in NYC. The pathetic attack on the Louvre by the machete wielding, ISIS loving imbecile from Egypt was typical of most of the lone wolf attackers. It seems like they usually need several confederates in order to accomplish their deadly goals. Of course, it only takes one crazy gunman or a truck driver to kill dozens of innocent people. It light of all of this, why would any French citizen want to import more of these crazy bastards into their country? One of these days, they just might bring down the Eiffel Tower. Islamic Terrorism doesn’t pair well with wine and cheese and tourism.

  3. Because of this kind of stupidity, when SHTF big time, I don’t want any of OUR people setting foot over there to kill the jihadis. If France wants help, I will have no problems with firing long range missiles over to France, but they have to let us know where they want them to strike. Enough with sending our military over to help thankless assholes and assholettes.

  4. Their big and powerful Maginot Line was an immense undertaking, but by the time the French figured out that the German invaders were going to bypass it by going through Belgium, it was too late.

    So they learned their lesson and just built a fence around the Eiffel.

  5. $ 20 million yet the wall is Temporary , Sounds like they’re hopeful that the Muslims will Evolve in a dozen years or so.By that time they will be ruined . It’s like having tempormental Children come to your house , cover the furniture and hide the valuables honey the Baboo’s are coming for dinner.

  6. I just read that an ” INTERNAL REPORT” stated that the wall was going to cost 22 BILLION to build. Well I did a little thing called math and at that price a 5000 mile long wall costs 820 per foot.
    Well, I believe I can find contractors who would be willing to do it for less.

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