Parisian restaurant receives threats after people thought Poutine dish was named after Putin – IOTW Report

Parisian restaurant receives threats after people thought Poutine dish was named after Putin

Evening Standard-

A Paris restaurant has been hit with threats by customers who thought its signature dish poutine was named after the Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Poutine, which consists of French fries and cheese curds topped with gravy, is particularly popular in Canada and France.

But La Maison de la Poutine, or the House of Poutine, claimed it had received “calls of insults and even threats” over the dish.

The row appears to have come about because when said aloud, the words Poutine and Putin sound similar.

In a statement, the business, which has branches in Paris and Toulouse, said: “Our dish was born in Quebec in the 1950s. And the stories to tell its origin are numerous.


21 Comments on Parisian restaurant receives threats after people thought Poutine dish was named after Putin

  1. A society without genuine fears (like famine, pestilence, war, plague) will fear all the wrong things. One of those things is missing out. For the past two years COVID-19 was the “in” thing, and people fanatically masked up, socially distanced, isolated, locked down and jabbed out of fear of missing out on history. Now the “in” thing is hating Russia, and crippling FOMO is driving people to lash out mindlessly at anything that anyone thinks looks anything remotely like something that may or may not have been or could be possibly Russian.

  2. Just shows to go ya how absolutely mind numbingly stupid and vindictive some people can be. And to top it off when they find out they’re wrong they’ll double down or accuse you of being racist.

  3. You sure the people making the death threats weren’t Hollywood actors? I mean if some of them want Russia kicked out of NATO then they’d also confuse poutine with putin.

  4. Only Democrats could wreck the world so thoroughly that people could mistake a well-known food for the name of a head of state when they are visibly nothing alike, fill people with so much hatred that they want to destroy any mention of that name even though they know nothing about him other than they were told to hate him, and make it SO permissible to act this way that the owner of the restaurant has to fear for them actually carrying out these attacks to the point he has to DEFEND THE NAME OF A SIDE DISH with a complete history of the dish, its origins, and its etymology because THEY ACTUALLY CREATED PEOPLE STUPID ENOUGH TO ATTACK A RESTAURANT OVER A DISH THAT IS NOT EVEN A HOMONIYM FOR THE NAME OF A POLITICIAN UNLESS YOU ARE MISPRONOUNCING ONE OR BOTH OF THEM.

    …thanks, Democrats.



  5. “Poutine” and “Putin”.
    Well, they both DO create a “mess”.

  6. This actually isn’t as innocent as it sounds, either. Governments are pretty good at whipping up hatred for whoever the selected ‘other’ is at any given time, as Germans in WWI America, Japanese in WWII America, and Jewish people in pretty much any country and time could tell you, as well as Christians in Muslim and Democrat/Communist lands can tell you right NOW.

    Shakespeare even put it in one of his plays, showing how powerful a speech meant to whip up a mob can be in doing exactly that. In “Julius Caesar”, there is the famous scene where Mark Antony works a mob into a frenzy against the men who assassinated Caesar, while acting in their name and seemingly honoring them. This speech is a masterwork of incitement as delivered by Marlon Brando (think what you will about his actual politics, the man could ACT), and I recommend you watch it to understand how easy a mob can be turned.

    …but that’s not the entire point.

    The point is that he gets the mob so infuriated at these men by name that they start killing people with SIMILAR names, just because they are similar names. This passage shows how absurd can also be deadly…

    “ACT III SCENE III A street.
    Enter CINNA the poet.
    CINNA THE POET I dreamt to-night that I did feast with Caesar,
    And things unlucky charge my fantasy:
    I have no will to wander forth of doors,
    Yet something leads me forth.
    Enter Citizens.
    First Citizen What is your name?
    Second Citizen Whither are you going?
    Third Citizen Where do you dwell?
    Fourth Citizen Are you a married man or a bachelor?
    Second Citizen Answer every man directly.
    First Citizen Ay, and briefly.
    Fourth Citizen Ay, and wisely.
    Third Citizen Ay, and truly, you were best.
    CINNA THE POET What is my name? Whither am I going? Where do I
    dwell? Am I a married man or a bachelor? Then, to
    answer every man directly and briefly, wisely and
    truly: wisely I say, I am a bachelor.
    Second Citizen That’s as much as to say, they are fools that marry:
    you’ll bear me a bang for that, I fear. Proceed; directly.
    CINNA THE POET Directly, I am going to Caesar’s funeral.
    First Citizen As a friend or an enemy?
    CINNA THE POET As a friend.
    Second Citizen That matter is answered directly.
    Fourth Citizen For your dwelling,–briefly.
    CINNA THE POET Briefly, I dwell by the Capitol.
    Third Citizen Your name, sir, truly.
    CINNA THE POET Truly, my name is Cinna.
    First Citizen Tear him to pieces; he’s a conspirator.
    CINNA THE POET I am Cinna the poet, I am Cinna the poet.
    Fourth Citizen Tear him for his bad verses, tear him for his bad verses.
    CINNA THE POET I am not Cinna the conspirator.
    Fourth Citizen It is no matter, his name’s Cinna; pluck but his
    name out of his heart, and turn him going.
    Third Citizen Tear him, tear him! Come, brands ho! fire-brands:
    to Brutus’, to Cassius’; burn all: some to Decius’
    house, and some to Casca’s; some to Ligarius’: away, go!
    -Shakespeare, “Julius Caesar”, Act III, Scene III

    …this is family history to me, too. Every time I sign my name, I am reminded of how good Democrats are at inciting inchoate violence when it serves their political purposes.

    My actual name is not important or known so I will not write it here, but it was very much MORE recognizably German when my great grandfather brought it over from the old country to flee bad politics there, only to find he had to Anglicanize it when the Democrat Woodrow Wilson whipped up such furious hatred for Germans in general, even those that FLED BAD POLITICS IN GERMANY, that it was truly an existential threat to have a German sounding name in that time in THIS country, and THAT got super silly as well even to the extent of Cincinnati renaming streets and repainting buildings because they were “too German”.

    …so while it’s easy to laugh at people that stupid, remember these examples, and remember also the truth of that old adage;


    Democrats know this well and have used it effectively before.

    So it will happen here again.

    Depend on it.

  7. Awwww … c’mon guys … it’s hard to underestimate the frogs.

    Remember the guy in DC who was fired for saying “niggardly?”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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