Parkland student Kasky bows out of debate with Kashuv – IOTW Report

Parkland student Kasky bows out of debate with Kashuv

FOX: A Parkland high school student who agreed to a live debate over his conflicting views over gun reform with fellow Marjory Stoneman Douglas student Kyle Kashuv has pulled out of the deal.

Cameron Kasky, an organizer of the pro-gun control March for Our Lives movement, tweeted Monday night that he won’t debate Kashuv, a pro-Second Amendment voice, following a tweet Kashuv seemingly disapproved of.

“Kyle, I’ve enjoyed my discussion about gun laws with you so far, but after seeing this, I think I’m out. For personal reasons,” Kasky said, adding that while he “disagree[s] on certain policies with some family members of some victims,” he would “never go after them, especially not like this. This is low.”

Kashuv’s tweet in question was a response to Jesse Guttenberg, a student at Stoneman Douglas whose sister, 14-year-old Jaime, was fatally shot by Nikolas Cruz last month.

“Clear backpacks are not the answer,” Guttenberg stated. “Anyone can sneak a knife into school by putting it into a folder or a gun by hiding it in their pants.”

“Don’t violate our privacy and give us real security. That’s what will help,” Guttenberg said.

In response, Kashuv wrote: “Instead, let’s violate our Constitution?”

Kashuv, after being called out by Kasky, apologized and noted he “had not realized whose account it was. It was a mistake and I am regretful of it.”  MORE

SNIP:   WEAK! I knew he would be looking for an excuse not to face Kashuv, but damn! Who knew the big boy who helped ‘organize’  such a big event is a hypersensitive *MEOW*?

16 Comments on Parkland student Kasky bows out of debate with Kashuv

  1. Don’t under estimate what’s taking place here. Maybe a death throw of the NWO. Maybe not. However ever these little Hitler Youth are not the problem. Who’s pulling their strings is. We need to identify these traitors. Tom Steyer is one. But he doesn’t have the resources to fund what been taking place.

  2. Why do we give any attention to any of these children? They are children for shit’s sake. And that goes for the pro-gun kid too. They all are impulsive, over-emotional and prone to exaggerating — not to mention changing their minds a dozen times in a day.

    None of them is a fount of wisdom or insight.

    Did we learn nothing from gushing over Cruz supporter … no Bernie bro Black Lives Matter activist … no, Trump supporter CJ Pearson?

  3. Put a chair on stage, with a chicken on it, to represent the commies.

    a) You’ll get a BETTER response
    b) It’ll still be accurate
    c) It’ll be more intelligible

    ta da. 😳

  4. Debate on it ended in 1783 I believe with ratification.

    So, all of the ineffective and misdirected gun control laws are unConstitutional.

    They can push us, but we can shoot back if they insist.

  5. I have a *meow*. After she read this article she told me she was insulted by the implied association with this coward. I suppose he/she could run for Broward County Sheriff – he/she seems to have the proper temperament for the job.

  6. Kasky:

    “Kyle, I’ve enjoyed my discussion about gun laws with you so far, but after seeing this, I think I’m out. For personal reasons,” adding that while he “disagree[s] on certain policies with some family members of some victims,” he would “never go after them, especially not like this. This is low.”


    “Instead, let’s violate our Constitution?”
    after being called out apologized and noted he
    “had not realized whose account it was. It was a mistake and I am regretful of it.”

    Who knew the big boy who helped ‘organize’ such a big event is a hypersensitive *MEOW*?

    The big boy who helped “organize” such a big event? Sounds like they both need time on a “reality” show. Maybe in a castle. Where they can both spend their time bathing, dressing, undressing, making exciting underwear…

  7. The kid didn’t back out because of a tweet, he backed out because he was told to by his handlers. They realized their value of their monkeys to “the cause” would be seriously lessened by having one destroyed in a televised debate.


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