‘The Queensland Senator received a tirade of abuse from some locals as she walked through Lakemba, in Sydney’s south-west – a suburb which she has claimed is no longer Australian due to its majority Muslim population.’ Story Here
5 Comments on Taking a walk in ‘Muslim’ Australia
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Once upon a time me and the wife took a cruise with some neighbor hood friends. Three couples. One of the guys was a publisher for a major sports associated magazine. Well traveled. We’re all stumbling back to our cabins one night and we run across one of the ships photographers. An Australian. Our publisher buddy asks the Aussie to take a picture of him and his wife. It’s real late, the Aussie refuses. Our Buddie calls him a dirty wanker. Yikes a full blown melt down. I had to jump in between these two banter weights. And the Aussies so pissed he’s swinging on me. I’m like what the fuc. And what is a wanker anyway. Where was I? Oh yea, what the fuc happened to the typical Aussie male?
BB, Never dealt with any Aussie males in my travels, so couldn’t say where all the Crocodile D. archetypes went. Have, however, known a handful of ‘Sheilas’, was favorably impressed with them all. Though that term, I understand, is now out of favor…sorta the way calling gals, over here, ‘broads’, has become.
BTW: Think of wanker in terms of a circle-wank, which would be a room full of wankers (very much like a Congressional sub-committee) 😉 Tends to imply that the practitioner is a social misfit of limited intellect & masculinity, with no prospects for feminine companionship.
Lakemba sounds like some of the burgeoning enclaves over here…Global Caliphate is on the march!
Kill em all and let Allah sort them out.
Does that statement make me a racist?
Only 3 comments in the in the Daily Mail..I was taken aback
until I saw the down votes on the two idiots who opposed Her
Hope for Oz after all?
Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
– Ripley –