Forbes: President Donald Trump is going to war with the social media giants. Now, there’s a move afoot amongst his conservative supporters to abandon Twitter, Trump’s favorite platform and his biggest online rival.
This week, Trump and Twitter went back and forth with accusations and counteraccusations, sanctions and threats. Most recently, Twitter flagged Trump’s comments on the George Floyd civil rights protests in Minnesota – leading to Trump calling for the revoking of Section 230 for the social media platform. That revocation would mean Twitter loses its immunity from lawsuits if controversial material gets tweeted.
As a result, social media platform Parler (self-described as “the people driven social platform”) pushed a new #Twexit campaign to recruit disgruntled Twitter uses who support Trump or oppose Twitter’s sanctioning. Parler’s new site, Twexit.com, allows Twitter users who want to abandon that platform to switch to Parler quickly and easily. read more
I enjoy POTUS Trump’s tweets, but I think the reason he uses Twitter (and not something else) is because it is the choice of his opposition. Though I suppose if he switched to another platform, those who want to disparage him and us will have to switch too.
If he does, I’m there.
I have been on Parler for six months to a year. I have seen more activity in the past week the the rest of my time there combined.
Do it President Trump and watch Twitter wither and die.
I just joined Parler and dumped Twitter. Boy did it ever feel good. Like many folks, I only subscribed to follow our Pres.
GAB is good, but its just about no holds barred for commenting. Though perfect for keeping snowflakes away lol.
Why not “and” ?