Parsons Green terror attack: How the world reacted to the London terror attack – IOTW Report

Parsons Green terror attack: How the world reacted to the London terror attack


THE PARSONS Green terror attack has prompted an outpouring of support for London with Donald Trump condemning ‘sick and demented’ terrorists. Here is the latest reaction from world leaders.

A homemade bomb engulfed a Tube train, leading to burn injuries, mass panic and a stampede, at Parsons Green station at about 8.20am.

Prime Minister Theresa May is about to chair a meeting of Britain’s emergency response committee COBRA in the aftermath of the Parsons Green terror attack.

She said: “My thoughts are with those injured at Parsons Green and the emergency services who, once again, are responding swiftly and bravely to a suspected terrorist incident.”

US President Donald Trump denounced the attack on Twitter saying: “Another attack in London by a loser terrorist.“These are sick and demented people who were in the sights of Scotland Yard. Must be proactive!”

The Met Police declined to comment on Mr Trump’s claim.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan said: “The terrorist attack this morning was an attempt by evil and cowardly individuals to kill, to injure and disrupt our way of life.”

He urged people to “remain calm and vigilant”, saying: “As London has proven again and again, we will never be intimidated or defeated by terrorism.”

Jeremy Corbyn said: “Thoughts with those injured in Parsons Green terrorist incident, and thanks to police, ambulance staff and firefighters who are responding.”

Guy Verhofstadt, the European parliament’s Brexit coordinator, tweeted: “Solidarity with the people of London & thoughts with those injured.

“Let’s work together to defeat those who seek to terrorise us.”


Blather! Rinse! Repeat! Blather! Rinse! Repeat! Blather! Rinse! Repeat!


25 Comments on Parsons Green terror attack: How the world reacted to the London terror attack

  1. Well, no one dead yet so we are spared the flowers, candles stuffed animal vigils at least. We will not be cowed is the way Leftist pretend to be brave while importing more terrorists but the future has already been shown by the past. When I was a boy, my father would read the papers and usually in a one inch column on a back page he would find notice that another bus packed with several hundred people (/ok, always about 20 more than capacity) had once again swerved off the road killing all as it fell down the gorge..he would shake his head and comment about how no one must really care because life was cheap in India…now it is cheap in Europe.

  2. “(something, something)…hopes and prayers…(something, something)…stand with you in this hour of…(something, something)…all work together for peace…(something, something)…never happen again.”

  3. I am dong business in the UK and when I asked one of my UK business associates about this he said “Well, it’s guess it’s just going to be the way things are from now on.” An acceptable inconvenience to him he seemed resigned that nothing can be done.

  4. “As London has proven again and again, we will never be intimidated or defeated by terrorism.”

    Nope. Not defeated. Just blown up, run over, stabbed, decapitated, raped and set on fire.

    Those little trifles aren’t TOO much of a problem now are they?

  5. Imagine there’s no courage
    I wonder if you can
    No one to kill or die hard
    A Brotherhood of Lambs
    Imagine all the people
    Sniveling about world peace, You ..
    You may say I’m a proggtard
    But I’m not the only one
    Someday I hope you’ll join us
    And the West will be undone

  6. I marvel at the sheer progg-tardification of Proggtards. John Lennon could have had any woman on the planet. So what does he do? He divorces his first wife, puts his son in turmoil for who? Yoko Ono? …. Yoko fucking Ono??

    And then he goes and bites the hand that fed him by breaking up the most successful group in the history of music, so that he can focus his energies on what? What was the name of that band again — The Plastic Ono Band???

    And then while performing for this worthy successor to the Beatles, he pens a ultra leftist song with a piano accompaniment that wouldn’t challenge the abilities of a 6-year old piano student … and this becomes the go to response whenever any Muslim in the West goes apeshit and commits mass murder??

  7. No one has this on automatic reply? Same old thing. Don’t fight back, bend over, and apologize. At least set the reply to music. There’s got to be some one-hit wonder from the eighties that the automatic reply to Islamic Terror could be set to.

  8. I swear, the ‘true’ English living in London must all be so inbred to allow what has happened to their city, let alone their nation. Stiff upper lip, my foot (which could fit up your arses quite nicely were I there) !!!

  9. “Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way”. Well, the time is now and the song is over! Screw the stiff uper lip and exterminate those that are seeking to ruin the once great Great Britain! Or is already too late for all of western europe?

    Hitler’s men would threaten to round up and kill 10 people for every attack against his solders.

    SADDAM HUSSAIN would kill 100 people from whatever village a terrorist came from.

    Candles, hashtags, calls for unity.

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