Part 2: Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer, Exposes Shadow Government – IOTW Report

Part 2: Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer, Exposes Shadow Government

Just opened to the public. Further expose’ of the structure and function of the Shadow Government/Deep State. Let the games begin.

6 Comments on Part 2: Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer, Exposes Shadow Government

  1. The Alphabets were invented post WW2 to maintain and shape the global order for the cabal.

    The entire Western world and how its combined influence is used comes down to 5 families who control all Western commerce legal and illegal (although the legal is actually illegal through governmental corruption).

    The cabal and the Alphabets control the drugs, human trafficking, weapons, and currencies of the West.

    They are a Satanic based hegemony that controls big tech, the media, education, pharma, international corporations, and use the Alphabets, unions, and the government to institute full control over us.

    Brennan was so stupid he ran with the entire ridiculous scenario the Russians were using to mock him word for word because the leaders of Western intelligence have become weak, entitled, imbeciles.

    The minute PDJT came down those stairs he became a dead man walking so critique him all you want but he had the courage of the founders to expose the cabal.

    RFK Jr is also a direct threat now, so the cabal is being exposed from both sides.

    The CIA killed JFK and RFK for exposing the cabal and everyone knows it.

    The industrial revolution and mass production was the catalyst that concentrated the wealth of the country into the hands if an elite few and WW1 was used to federalise it into a central government. Wilson started it, FDR established it and LBJ cemented it.

    The Kenyan Queer managed to push us into federalized health care and the ruse of Climate Change to kill fossil fuels and centralize populations.

    Now Valjar is using the meatsack Pedo as sock puppet instead of Jug Ears to institute the Great Reset.

    The cabal will soon start WW3 because they are in real trouble.

    The world’s population is catching on and is now aware how the masses have been managed and manipulated.

    The cabal is losing its grip and the war in Ukraine took away their petro dollar money laundering machine until they converted it over to tax payer funded military hardware/ammo we are buying for them in the billions as they sell half of it before it gets to the battlefield.

    Our entire economy and nation has been shaped since 1878 to support only the elites and the their useful toadies in the cultural and regulatory apparatus.

    We are not in their club as IOTW critters and I’m damn proud of it.

  2. This video is 5 years old on YouTube and has 995 comments from that long ago. the other has almost 3,000 comments.

    How is this “just released to the public?”

  3. That is why I am wary about putting term limits on Congress — be careful what you wish for. Granted, those with power in Congress work hand-in-hand with the shadow government, but term limits will take any hope of civilian control away.

  4. OMG, please put down the crack pipe. Now days all street drugs contain fentanyl. Before fentanyl kills you’ll enter the Twight Zone. Delusional thoughts will take over. Grandeur then paranoia. The Alphabet, The Cabal, The Luminati & of course Satan. They’re all out to get yah. Sure. Best thing is get help today. Shadow government, right. Can make some entertaining movies with these far out claims, but thats about it.

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