Partial List of 6/12 Victims Are All Hispanic – IOTW Report

Partial List of 6/12 Victims Are All Hispanic

Pulse shooting: First victim names we can release: Edward Sotomayor Jr.; Stanley Almodovar III; Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo; Juan Ramon Guerrero —

Two more names were released –

Eric Ivan Ortiz-Rivera

Peter O. Gonzalez-Cruz

This is starting to look like a massacre of gay Hispanics by a Muslim democrat.

8 Comments on Partial List of 6/12 Victims Are All Hispanic

  1. @LocoBlancoSaltine:

    I deal with Hispanic illegals daily at work. Trust me, these people are not exactly bright shining examples of humanity. They are uneducated, crass, and dumb as posts. They don’t come with any useful skills, don’t speak the language, and aren’t in a position to contribute to our society. They will, however, pump out baby after baby, and work very hard to maximize their benefit from Uncle Sam–at a cost to fools like me, who work like slaves to accommodate them and pay taxes to support them.

    The quality of what’s entering our country now disgusts me.

  2. Comments on here are horrifying… Here’s hoping my contribution will help the Google bot-crawlers pick up these words so other humans don’t stumble upon this crap hole like I did!
    Republican. Right wing. Bigots. Racists. White supremacy. Intolerance.

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