Parts of Iowa Hip Deep in “Fecal Soup” – IOTW Report

Parts of Iowa Hip Deep in “Fecal Soup”


Iowa faces an unprecedented crisis as record-breaking floods mix with animal waste from factory farms, creating a toxic “fecal soup” that threatens public health and safety. Angie Ress reports on this unfolding disaster, where over 900 factory farms in the affected counties produce a staggering 23 billion pounds of animal waste annually. As floodwaters breach manure pits and lagoons, residents are warned not to drink their water due to dangerous bacteria contamination. Environmental watchdogs sound the alarm on the severe risks posed by this toxic mixture, including E.coli, Giardia, and other harmful pathogens. With roads shut down and thousands of properties damaged, the situation grows more dire by the hour. More

8 Comments on Parts of Iowa Hip Deep in “Fecal Soup”

  1. This is reason #35,975,579 you should be making efforts in your life and AO to support small local farmers, and remove your support from national brands that support factory farming.
    YES, you’re going to have to pay more for your pork chops, but it beats buying bottled water all flood season!

  2. So, if the 900 factory farms were 90,000 single-family farms there’d be less shit?

    I’m not sure that’s a fact.

    No, I’m not advocating factory farming, just questioning the implication that factory farming is responsible for the shit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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