Party of science teaches students that carrying a baby is like having cancer – IOTW Report

Party of science teaches students that carrying a baby is like having cancer

Lila Rose says: Upper-level UCSD biology course says that a baby in the womb is “a legitimate parasite” that “invades” his/her mother, compares the baby to cancer.

Pregnancy is NOT a disease and a baby is not a parasite. This is dehumanizing & false. Is this the best CA public education can do?

h/t I renounce them

14 Comments on Party of science teaches students that carrying a baby is like having cancer

  1. Well, many gen-xers DID give birth to parasites.

    Only one of my wife’s sister’s children (and they are legion) ISN’T a parasite. The rest of those children are mal-educated, useless lice.

    Now imagine the children of THOSE parasites.

  2. I listened to a Dennis Prager presentation the other night in which a woman audience member got into it with him over “choice” and “a woman’s right to do what she pleases with her own body.” Best answer I’ve ever heard from Prager: “But it’s not YOUR body that we’re talking about now, is it?” She then went on to say that she looked upon an unwanted pregnancy as “a kind of bacteria.” Wrong audience to say something like that.

  3. geoff the aardvark — Geoff C. greatly admires Prager, too. I think he’s pretty good, but I watched an event the other night “Ask a Jew, Ask a Gentile” in which the “gentile” (Christian) was someone I admire more than just about anyone, Alistair Begg. Prager acted like an insufferable jerk, hogging the Q&A time, saying things that were rather offensive, etc. It was a real disappointment to see him this way. It wasn’t until then that I began noticing just how long-winded Prager can be. Thankfully, he does seem to always end up at his point, but there’s a lot of biography in there along the way. It probably comes from being in talk radio.

  4. A wise man once said:
    No society ever thrived because it had a large, growing class of parasites living off of those who produce!

    Mr. Thomas Sowell said that while today’s democRATs effectively say: “Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can to TO YOU!

  5. Do students even know how babies are made anymore? I think not – their progressive heroes have divorced sexual intercourse from the transmission of life so effectively that they believe a baby is a “burden” or a “parasite”, not a choice and a blessing. Sad and sick at the same time.


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