Slop Art – IOTW Report

Slop Art

An Italian cleaning crew entered the Museion Bozen-Bolazno and discovered one of the rooms had been used for a party. So they tidied it up.


Only it was really an art instillation titled “Where are we going to dance this evening?”


10 Comments on Slop Art

  1. I suggest we make all janitors honorary art critics.

    Great idea! And while we’re at it, anybody who proclaims himself an art critic should have a load of art dumped on his head. We can start with refuse/resists’s Picasso.

  2. Schlock art is schlock art and always will be. Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol etc., etc. were all schlock artists. so was the guy who did mobiles, all for the most part over rated pieces of arteest crap. Art critics suck as do most critics. Go ahead and call me a Philistine, I’ll gladly wear that pretentious label because this guy’s so called art is crap.

  3. I’ll give you a pass on Alexander Calder and his mobiles. Maybe it’s because of the pretentious CBS Sunday Morning segment I watched about him that I’m biased. I don’t like critics pretending that they know more than anyone else does and trying to persuade me that because they know more than I do and that I should defer to their opinion. And yeah I should know better but I still occasionally watch CBS’s Sunday Morning.

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