Pass This Around Until This Choad is Found – IOTW Report

Pass This Around Until This Choad is Found

I rhymed the title in tribute to these dirtbags that seem to think rhyming lends gravitas to their stupid messages.

So what did this guy do?

He punched a Rebel Media reporter in the face. A woman.

There is a $1000 reward for his name.


Rebel Media –

UPDATE: WE CAUGHT HIM! Dion Bews of Edmonton, please turn yourself into the nearest police department, and prepare for a massive civil lawsuit.

BOUNTY: We received several tips, and are checking to see which one came in first. You will be contacted to receive your $1,000 bounty!


40 Comments on Pass This Around Until This Choad is Found

  1. I am sick to death of people such as him and his ilk! Hard to make America great again with so much garbage in the streets.He probably has zero assets but he can rot in jail.

  2. Another βΣΤΛ Male who obviously squats on the toilet! At this rate, the urinal will go the way of the cuspidor within a generation!

    P.S.: If any male hits a female in my presence, he’ll need a seat on the next Soyuz leaving this planet.

  3. a fucking Canoehead, eh?

    hey, I don’t go up there and tell them they should should stop having Cabin Parties. So don’t come down here and tell us how to run things. Y’all elected that pretty boy pillow biting illicit spawn of Fidel Castro, Whatsisname Trudeau to run your country after all.

  4. I have a soldering iron to help close those piercing holes for him. I have no problem with doing this again. It smells like chicken on the barbecue. Trust me, I know what I’m doing!

  5. But but but Trump is Hate!!11!!!!

    BULLSHIT. The hate I see is ALL, every bit of it, coming from regressives. He deserves an ass whoopin just shy of his life. Fucking progtard. Go off yourself, Bews, it’ll be better that way. God help you if a patriot gets his or her hands on you.

  6. RADIOATIONMAN, Sorry, I’m retired now. I only want to cuddle.

    Is that big guy the black beard suppose to be protecting her? Because I will come out of retirement to kick his ass. I saw that little outburst coming 10 minutes before it happened. WTF dude.

  7. His name should go on the “no fly” list and to the border patrol. Kick him out of the country and ban him for life from the US. If caught again in US, 5 years in prison. Same with the Canadians protesting anywhere in the US. As f*cked up as their country is, they can stay home and bitch.

  8. If you ever run into a substandard semi male that is being inspired by the estrogen charged crowd to do something stupid. And he’s pacing back and forth playing with his hands while yelling derogatory insults. When he finally stop and plants his feet, he’s fair game. Kill him. Note to moron in the Black Beard.

  9. This scumbag coward is Dion Bews.

    He runs a guitar making business at

    He is associated with and part owner of Fiscus Studios in Edmonton and can be reached at 1-780-708-1906

    Here is the irony and dripping hypocrisy of this incident. This coward punched a woman in the face, damaged her property and then was protected by and spirited away by the very women in the march protesting the maltreatment of women. Utterly hilarious.

    You can forward your comments to a couple of the march organizers, give them a call and tell them what you think of Bews and of their hypocrisy and cowardice.

    Paula E. Kirman, march organizer, close friend of Dion Bews

    A Marxist social justice warrior, this Paula Kirman bitch actually self identifies as a social justice warrior.

    Sandra Jansen, keynote speaker at the march, MLA for Calgary North-West 1-403-297-7104

    Sandra Jansen, a former Lugenpresse employee with CTV news, this bitch was turfed for her sagging “assets” and old age, ran for political office as a Progressive Conservative, had a complete meltdown when she was the recipient of a few well deserved insults, and then betrayed her electorate and turned to the NDP. Typical PC Liberal scum.

    Give this collection of scum a call and let them know what you think.

    Wallace Ilustren
    Calgary Alberta

  10. Honestly I’ll call and have fun but geez Wallace. If it were my back yard I’d be arranging an unfortunate accident with a snow shoe lodged up his ass. The “legal route” teaches piss ants like this nothing.

  11. Rat Fink,
    “Bailiff, whack his pee-pee” if from a Monty Python skit.

    And I just LOVE Libtards that wear facial jewelry, it makes them so easy to grab and hold onto during a fight.




    Gutless “peace activist” and full-time hypocrite, Paula E Kirman is an enthusiastic supporter of violence against women. FACT!!!

    Paula Kirman fully supports a vicious assault suffered by a woman at the Edmonton Women’s March on January 20, 2017, an assault committed by a very good friend of hers.

    Kirman’s friend, a coward and woman-hater, unprovoked, viciously assaulted a woman at the march and then ran away.

    The scumbag assaulted Sheila Gunn-Reid, a reporter with The Rebel Media, who was covering the march in Edmonton

    This scumbag coward is Dion Bews.

    He runs a guitar making business at

    He is associated with and part owner of Fiscus Studios in Edmonton and can be reached at 1-780-708-1906

    Here is the irony and dripping hypocrisy of this incident.

    This coward punched a woman in the face, damaged her property and then was protected by and spirited away by the very women in the march protesting the maltreatment of women. Utterly hilarious.

    You can forward your comments to a couple of the march organizers, give them a call and tell them what you think of Dion Bews and of their hypocrisy and cowardice.

    Paula E. Kirman, march organizer, close friend of Dion Bews

    A Marxist social justice warrior, full time whale, enthusiastic lesbian, this Paula Kirman bitch actually self identifies as a social justice warrior. A parasitic welfare leech, Kirman runs a couple of far Left blogs and believes in, and openly advocates, using violence as a mechanism of political change and influence.

    Where there is one scumbag one find another.

    Meet primping, preening Marxist scumbag Sandra Jansen, keynote speaker at the march, and MLA (parasite) for Calgary North-West 1-403-297-7104

    Sandra Jansen, a former Lugenpresse employee with CTV news, this vacuous, self-absorbed, treacherous bitch was turfed by her employer for her double-wide ass, sagging “assets” and excessive old age. She then ran for political office as a Progressive Conservative, had a complete meltdown when she was the recipient of a few well deserved insults, and then betrayed her electorate, quit the PC’s and then treacherously joined the NDP. Typical thin-skinned, double dealing Liberal scum.

    Give this collection of scum a call and let them know what you think.

    You can also find a number of guitar shops and websites selling Dion Bews guitars, from Avenue Guitars, Acoustic Music Shop, Symphontree and many others. Contact them and ask them why they are selling guitars sold by a scumbag coward who assaults women.

    On the other hand, I wonder how these women would feel if a person who disagreed with their politics, showed up at their houses and violently assaulted them, raped them or killed them just to make a political point. I mean, using Kirman and Jansen’s logic and politics, fair would be fair and the ends would justify the means.

    When you watch the video again, look for the hag with the pink hat in the background telling Sheila, the assualt was Sheila’s fault because “She’s part of the problem”…..utterly sickening!!!

    Wallace Ilustren
    Calgary Alberta

  13. OH BY THE WAY…….

    What’s really hilarious about these hateful, hypocritical whining broads is most of their daughters and granddaughters know feminists for the poisonous frauds and malcontents they are and feminism for the hateful cancer it really is.

    And now all these shriveled, screeching harpies sit in their living rooms, on death’s door, withered, wrinkled, arthritic, alone, wrapped in frumpy housecoats, in front of the sacred urns on the mantelpieces that hold the ashes of their first burned brassieres, surrounded by a sea of stray cats and worn out dildos, watching soap opera reruns and knowing, deep down inside, what a horrible mistake they made by joining the Man-Haters Club of North America and believing the corrosive, poisonous rhetoric of a legion of vicious psychopathic Marxist pied-pipers like Gloria Steinham, Andrea Dworkin, Germaine Greer and Helen Gurley-Brown. These malignant bitches deserve everything they get.

    Oh by the way, I wouldn’t grab one of them by the pussy, no sirree, not even with an asbestos, toxic waste retardant, haz-mat, lead-lined glove, nope, and not even if you paid me.

    Wallace Ilustren
    Calgary Alberta

  14. If a guy at a Tea Party rally had sucker punched a woman and then ran away, he would probably have been hunted down by other rally participants and physically shown the errors of his ways. But liberals are different, I suppose – sucker punching a woman and then hiding behind other women is…manly? Courageous? Admirable? Words fail me here.

    I don’t understand this mindset, but the intolerance, cowardice and boorishness of leftists is perversely o.k. with me. These are people one cannot deal with, and they are not people ordinary humans really want to associate with. Men (and I use the term loosely) like this serve as a constant reminder that the left must be defeated.

  15. The Left does this without hesitation because sexual roles have been blurred and disregarded. Guarantee you that guy is at least a bisexual sodomite; so in his mind it wasn’t exactly a man striking a woman…it was a woman (himself) striking another woman, and an evil, subhuman one at that. So it was all fair, he believes.

    The next 8 years will be very interesting.

  16. It isn’t because this guy is a cowardly, sexually compromised, Canuckian beta male (not that these things aren’t true, it’s just not why he thought this was acceptable behavior). This man thought this behavior was acceptable (even heroic in his mind) for one reason: anyone not on board 100% with these buttmunchers and their totalitarian agenda is the ENEMY, and THE ENEMY IS NOT A FELLOW HUMAN BEING, they are not regarded with any courtesy or afforded any dignity or empathy. That is the mistake we Righties have made the last 20 or so years, assuming they think as decent people think instead of obstacles to be cleared or burned to the ground. This thinking became mainstream leftist mindset somewhere around the 0’s second term, escaping the blogosphere and Marxist lectures in Political Science classrooms and gaining widespread, feverish converts. It’s scary looking back just a short while, how quickly this happened.

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