Pass This On – It is One of the Most Important Studies Ever Conducted – IOTW Report

Pass This On – It is One of the Most Important Studies Ever Conducted

17 Comments on Pass This On – It is One of the Most Important Studies Ever Conducted

  1. “Fine. But I didn’t need their study to recognize batshit crazy>

    Others do.”

    I could confidently have said ‘we’, referring to the regular posters here. I can also say the ‘others’ will not heed this study, just as confidently.

  2. It is not that I am an Oracle or all knowing, but I am a keen observer. This guy didn’t present a single aspect that I have not brought up. I sit and just listen to them talk among themselves and it simply could not be more clear that their motivation is based entirely on resentment.

    Furthermore this type of aggression is NOT much larger, it is almost, if not entirely, entirely owned by followers of victimhood movements. The leaders of the progressive movement knows this and that is why they are entirely invested in inculcating a sense that envy is not a cardinal sin, but is in fact a cardinal virtue. Satan is not stupid, Satan is motivated by malicious intent and his followers are simply emulating his ways.

    I would sure like to watch more than the four minutes presented here.

  3. One thing I have noticed on IOTW:

    Most people here DO NOT want to tell other people what to do.

    Democrats, Liberals, Globalists, Environmentalists, and MANY politicians all seem to want to tell others what to do.

    I can’t recall anyone here actually saying that they want to control the life of anyone else. (except incarcerating assholes which isn’t te same thing)

  4. I saw this just today. The Narcissist’s Prayer:

    That didn’t happen.
    And if it did happen , it wasn’t that bad.
    And if it was that bad, that’s not a big deal.
    And if it is a big deal, that’s not my fault.
    And if it was my fault, I didn’t mean it.
    And if I did mean it, you deserved it.

  5. The Nazis were victimized by Jews, Poland, Russia (Soviet Union), Catholics, Lutherans, Conservatives, communists, non-National socialists, unionists, and business.

    See how that worked out?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. And the Soviet Socialists were victimized by capitalists, kulaks, farmers, industrialists, National Socialists, Trotsky-ites, Zinoviev-ites, wreckers, Christians, Jews, ragheads, Cossacks, Chechens, and Tatars.

    See how that worked out?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. If you (yes you laddie!) accept any revariation of “It makes me mental! So I should be the deciderer!”, as not a need (not a reason!, but a need), for immediate, summary, execution… then you (yes you laddie!) are the problem.

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