Pastor Rejects Mayor Pete’s Christmas Day Tweet – IOTW Report

Pastor Rejects Mayor Pete’s Christmas Day Tweet


Pastor Darrell Scott ridiculed Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s Christmas greeting as a “load of crap” on Wednesday after the South Bend mayor claimed Jesus came to earth as a refugee.

“Today I join millions around the world in celebrating the arrival of divinity on earth, who came into this world not in riches but in poverty, not as a citizen but as a refugee,” he wrote on Twitter. More

17 Comments on Pastor Rejects Mayor Pete’s Christmas Day Tweet

  1. Mary and Joseph were in Bethlehem at the time of Jesus’ birth because they had come to town to register so they could be counted and taxed. They were law abiding citizens, not undocumented refugees.

    Liberals are as familiar with the Bible as they are with the Constitution.

  2. Jesus was a citizen. Buttigig is an asshole who constantly manipulates scripture to fit his homo narrative.

    THEY WERE CITIZENS, NOT REFUGEES. Jesus was born a citizen of Galilee. More legal than 0bama.

  3. I made everything, I am everywhere, I can do anything, yet a poor lost soul thinks I was a refugee when I willingly, knowingly, purposefully came to be born as a man to save all who believe my word.

  4. Are we expected to accept the regular musings on God’s Will from this insignificant mayor of a village of idiots?

    (they are necessarily idiots because they elected this simpleton)

  5. I don’t listen to homosexuals in general.

    People who either willfully (and sinfully) ignore the obvious normal purpose of the sex organs or are too stupid to understand it are not to be considered a source of truth, especially in matters of religion and morality.

    It’s just like listening to someone who is convinced they were abducted by aliens or that they are Jesus Christ. Such people are to be ignored.

  6. “… a load of crap …”

    I thought we weren’t supposed to bring candidate’s children into this!
    since Pete can only have butt-babies, that’s just racist … or something …

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. There is no justification for millions illegally crossing the U.S. border. The left’s demented attempt to criminalize Christ for their corrupt purposes shows how desperate they are to manipulate thier stupid and ignorant supporters.

    Strange how perverts like Mayor Buttplug reference the Holy Bible when it’s actually enmity against their deviancy. He doesn’t know God or understand the Holy Bible. Obviously, it doesn’t matter to the him that it is well documented Joseph and Mary were citizens of Rome just traveling within the Roman territory to pay their taxes. Truth never matters to the left.


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