Pathetic – Joe Gets Endorsement From His Wife – IOTW Report

Pathetic – Joe Gets Endorsement From His Wife

ht/ c. steven tucker

30 Comments on Pathetic – Joe Gets Endorsement From His Wife

  1. Checkout Joe’s expression. He’s been crying. She’s trying to cheer him up because their phone has been ringing off the hook and he can’t take it anymore.

  2. “the character to move beyond politics.”

    –while he politicizes the Wuhan Chinese China China China virus from his basement.

    You had 8 years as V.P. to prepare for something like this, where the hell were you?

  3. She must be pretty stupid to think we would be impressed by her endorsing her own husband.

    She must also be pretty stupid to think he is actually going to get the nomination (unless the VP nominee is someone such as Hillary in which case I would not want to sell Joe any life insurance).

  4. Pro tip: it is a safe assume to make that whatever character defects are present in any career politician are magnified in their spouse or significant other. Career politicians are bad news, career political spouses are the worst. Anyone who has spent much time around them can validate that.

    Their capacity for Pecksniffery is limitless.

  5. Truly pathetic and disgusting! This woman, along with the other family members as well as many other democRATz, is holding a perverted, demented, Jackass Joe up like a battered crucifix to stave off impending criminal charges against them all and the complicit Media is right there to push the propaganda for them! This is their hail Mary pass in hopes that the party (along with their obedient Knee-Pad Media) can lie, cheat, steal and twist enough arms and fudge enough votes to sway the election their way which would then totally absolve them of any wrong-doing like it never even happened! I’ve never seen anything so conspicuous and disgusting in all my years of following politics!

  6. She’ll do and say anything to get rid of him.
    She knows he’s a serial abuser – suspects he’s a pedophile – feels a sneaking queasiness that he may have killed his first wife.

    She just wants him gone. If she can profit by it – so much better.
    We know she’s pretentious.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. it looks like filthy finger joey has been getting some work done while he’s hiding in his basement. Sure looks like he has had his forehead stretched out. Again.
    Pelosi’s having work done, too, from the looks of it. Probably stitches under her scarf. Or a bungi cord.
    Everything about them is fake.


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