Pathology Report Raises Alarm Bells About Post-Inoculation Casualties – IOTW Report

Pathology Report Raises Alarm Bells About Post-Inoculation Casualties

Global Research

The authors did an autopsy in 15 patients who died (from 7 days to 6 months) after receiving the COVID vaccine. These were all cases where the coroner ruled as NOT being caused by the vaccine. They discovered that in 14 of the 15 patients there was widespread evidence of the body attacking itself, something that is never seen before. The heart was attacked in all 14 cases. More

One physician, who‘s name was withheld to protect from retaliation, had the following grim prognosis.

So, in the USA, where ~200M people have been fully inoculated, the number of deaths will not be the 10,000 or so reported in VAERS, or the 150,000+ scaled-up deaths from VAERS, but could be closer to tens of millions when the inoculation effects play out!

25 Comments on Pathology Report Raises Alarm Bells About Post-Inoculation Casualties

  1. Big Pharma had twenty years and a buttload of money invested in mRNA vaccines. Covid-19 was their big chance to recoup that investment. They could care less about side effects, just look at thalidomide.

  2. The next “Big Thing” will be late night TV ads for preparations and solutions promising to Scrub mRNA and other toxins from your system before they morph and turn you to worm poop.

  3. They didn’t do an autopsy on my dad because of his age; however, the funeral home said they had to embalm him TWICE due to all the blood clots. (They said they see this a lot in those who have gotten the jab.) You do the math…

  4. I was reading from the bottom up and my post there will fit here as well. Sorry for being redundant.

    tctsunami JANUARY 4, 2022 AT 4:42 PM
    Where I live there are a lot of “D’s” that have had the jab and preach about how wonderful they are while condemning those that haven’t for all their woes. Too bad.
    I hope all the liberals get the jab and we’ll see how they are doing in a few years. This might be just the answer on how to cure liberalism.

  5. Unfortunately, I think that when the mass die-off becomes unavoidably obvious, the gov. and the media will just call it another variant and blame it on the disease instead of the cure.

  6. CCNV, sorry about your Dad.
    With my mom they said they had trouble embalming her, but didn’t go into detail, just let us know her body was going to be ready for viewing a little later than they had said and to be honest I didn’t want detail, it didn’t make sense at the time, but now it does.

    This death jab might kill off a lot of leftists, but unfortunately a lot of good people either bought into the lie and or fear or were forced into it.

  7. Today I heard this and it makes perfect sense: a normal pharmaceutical commercial on tv lasts about 60 seconds. 20 seconds of that are disclaimers about side effects. So why can’t anyone talk about the side effects of the covid vaccine?

  8. Old Racist White Woman,

    Thank you! I’m so sorry to hear about your mother, as well. I hope and pray those who are killing our family and friends will answer dearly for what they have done.

  9. Dan K January 4, 2022 at 6:43 pm

    Anyone wonder why illegals and refugees don’t require the jabs?

    That’s because they will become slaves after the die off. Just like the slaves that were brought here in 1526, illiterate but capable of reproducing, and working the crop fields. But first, they’ve got to disarm the pure bloods. This could turn into a real shit storm real fast.

  10. ^^^ I think the illegals aren’t being vaxxed because they aren’t citizens. I know that sounds silly, but there might be something to it. Citizens of the US can’t sue for reactions, because of the liability exemption that was claused into the EUA. But illegals, not being citizens, aren’t covered by that.
    I’d really like someone to ask about that in a press conference. If they’d let me in, I’d ask it.

  11. UN Agenda 21 depop. plan – been saying that since it started.
    When more people start figuring out it was done deliberately, will the evil actors pay?
    Some of them will; I’ll see to it.

  12. CCNV, thank you, in my situation it’s hard due to the fact I had no control over her getting it and because she had alzheimers she would do as she was told and my sister told them to give it to her.

    This thing has taken 3 of my family members and I’m sure will take more of them that took it. I’m having a hard time keeping count of friends it keeps taking. I hope these people burn in hell and it’s the reason I become so furious when I hear anyone lying saying they’re safe and only the unjabbed are being hospitalized and dying.

  13. I made my opinion known on the jab when my wife wanted to have our 17 year old daughter, who is unfortunately pregnant, get the death serum. I was obviously against it, and made my case known.

    The daughter had already been brainwashed at school and wanted it, my wife, who refuses to get it for herself, went and got the jab for her. I don’t understand the wife’s logic, and she didn’t want to hear mine.

    I’m terrified that our daughter is going to beat us to the cemetery by years, and I’m terrified of what it has or will do to our grandson.

    I feel that I have failed on my duties about this.

    I wish I would have done more to stop it.

  14. My son and daughter In-law both got the jab because of job requirements. Both my Grandsons got the jab because of college. If anything happens to any of them due to this phony jab, I won’t be happy.


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